Don't fall in love with the moment and think you're in love with the girl.

Start from the beginning

"Do we though?" She looked up at me, her eyes filled with many questions she was clearly afraid to ask.

"Okay, well maybe not completely but we're gonna figure it out in our own time. There is no rush." I tried to reassure her.

"I don't want to put a downer on everything but I'm just trying to figure things out in my own head, you're helping me a little but I don't think I'm ready to put a label on this just yet." She explained. I nodded, understanding how she felt.

"Then we don't need to, let's just enjoy this for what it is and come to that conclusion when we both feel it's right." I smiled at her. She smiled back and it took away the worry that was building up.

"You're not bad Healy." She said, wrapping her arms around my neck. I leaned in and kissed her, in the most cliche way possibly, in the city of Paris.



I didn't want to tell Matty that fans of his speculating that I was his new girlfriend made me panic a little. I don't do well under the spotlight and maybe that's the true reason that I was unsure about us making things more official between us.

He seemed so happy to even spend time with me and with all the effort he'd made to bring me to Paris as a surprise, I didn't want to burst any bubble of his. It didn't seem fair.

I was truly happy to be there with him though, which made me question my feelings even more. I didn't want to fall for anyone ever again after Mason. Even when we had that brief stint as a couple again, it didn't feel right. It didn't feel like I could allow myself to fall in love with him again. But being around Matty, learning how he is as a person made me question that feeling constantly.

Was I really afraid to fall in love again or was I just afraid to fall in love with someone that could break my heart all over again? Maybe that is the case, or maybe I was just scared to let Matty in enough that he could break my heart because surely, with someone like him and just how quickly he seemed to grab my attention, he had every tell tale sign that he could ruin me.

A part of me wanted to risk it though.

We decided to go to the Eiffel Tower and watch the sunset on the stairs of the Musee de l'Homme. The sun was going down and we sat there, smoking and talking about nothing of interest but it was quite beautiful in it's own right. The sky was a purple hue and looked like something out of a movie scene.

"When I was a child I always wanted to come to Paris, it just seemed like a dream to me." I told him, after the words left my mouth I realised how cheesy it sounded.

"Has it lived up to your expectations?" He asked.

"It a sense, better than it." I blew out the smoke from the fag I was currently smoking.

"What makes you say that?" He pushed the topic further.

"Well it was unexpected to begin with so that really threw me off but also you've made it more fun than I could've imagined." I told him, tearing my eyes from the sunset.

"I guess it's just my dashing looks and fun personality." He said sarcastically, it made me chuckle though. When our laughing died down he looked at me and went serious. "You've never really told me much about your family."

"Maybe there's a reason." I said slyly. "What if they're serial killers and I just don't want you to know the truth." I smirked.

"That would be an interesting topic to discuss though." He grinned. I looked back out to the view ahead of us and sighed.

FOREVER, YOURS // Matty Healy.Where stories live. Discover now