ch. 7. Heart Ache and Alcohol

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Elizas P.o.V

As Daniel heads out I start lacing up my Ballet slippers. I start the normal warm ups while my stero blast i still cant find a song to fit my ballet/contemporary dance i compossed. I turn the stero down and call Momma.

"Hey Momma."

"Hey my little daisy how are you?"

I hold back tears as i hear how weak she sounds. I swallow hard and push the lump down my throat.

"Im okay Momma how are you holding up? I can come home i have plenty of money in the savings account to come help take care of you."

"My little daisy always thinking of others. I want you to enjoy your life embrace your time in the uk. Find a few close friends have that best first kiss."

"Speaking of kisses...."


They talk for three hours and Eliza tells her everything and shares a few pictures and her mom gives her some pointers for an outfit. Near the end her mom tells her that the cancer is worse and the treatments aint working, but she doesnt want her to watch her die.*

After the phone clicks im torn between tears and anger. How could my own
Mother not want me there with her? I look at the clock and realize im running way behind so i quickly do my hair and get dressed.

I know this place has a bar and i plan on drinking so i take the money my aunt left me and head out.

~ @ the bar part~

I've had 2 girls hit on me so far and only one double shot of rum. I recall quickly why i dont drink much one goes to two which goes to regret. I watch Danny n his band play they are really good. I turn my attention to the bar and order 3 double shots of tequila the medium stuff. I ignore the drunk eyeing me up aint hard really he is between throwing up or passing out. I watch the guys from the band get hammered and eye fucked by basically ever girl and one slut keeps driving poor Daniel crazy. I watch in amusement and he locks eyes with me and mouths help I shake my head no and he send me a messgae begging me i sigh and order another drink a fruitly one for the girl. I walk over and whisper to her that it was from some guy and hand it to her. As i drown another shot.

"Never knew you drank."

"Not often usually winds with a regret of some sort." I say softly tracing a faint cut on my hand i push the memory away quick. When i see his smirk

"I wouldn't mind being your regret for the night" he whispers in my ear sending a chill down my spin.

"I have a better regret for you."

He sighs knowing exactly what i mean

"Now if you are that desperate im sure i can go find the drunk girl."

I order two more shots this time Daniel takes one from me.

"You have dances to choreograph and doing it drunk and hangover doesnt work well."

"Tell me what's wrong Lizzy. I'll always protect you."

His words calmed me to my core

"My mom is dying and doesnt want me to be with her as she does."

"I dont like my parents, but watching them die isnt something id like to remember. You are close to your mom i can tell wouldn't you like to recall happy memories vs months of her dying?"

"Never thought of it like that."

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