ch. 5. Maybe He Ain't So Bad

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I slap him as hard as i could across his face actually ended up leaving a red hand print. I hate everything about this place. I grab my bag and walk out of school. The next day I'm sitting in the auditorium for that stupid talent show when a new kid sits next to me.

"Hey you're the new whore right?"

I bit the inside of my check so I don't do something stupid I go back to writing music for my ballet show. It took me five hours on the phone to find a ballet class here that was right along the same pace as my old one. My dad tried to talk me out of it, but momma never closed the one savings account when she got married to him so I was able to continue my classes which is great.

"So I've been thinking whore."

Don't do anything stupid don't pay attention ignore him just pretend he isn't there. Why did he have to sit by me I much rather have dealt with Daniel I think his name was at least he wasn't as bad well maybe he was, but something told me this guy was worse.

"my names Mike you want to go somewhere?"

I keep ignoring him and he places his hand on my leg. I look down as he tries to move it up I push him off and pack up my shit.

"hey pretty little thing I haven't got what I wanted yet sit down."

"its very clear what you want but I'm not interested."

I go to walk past him as he grabs my arm very tightly.

"that's no way to talk to the most available bachelor in this school."

He tries to pull me down when I feel an arm snake around my waist.

"First off she has a name second Mike you couldn't handle her. Most importantly she doesn't want you . Your last girlfriend left you cause of how incompetent you were in the bedroom what makes you think pushing yourself onto someone else would help that issue?"

I recognize his voice right away and I've never been so happy to see someone who annoys me so easily as he does. He guides me softly away from them both and I move a few rows down and to the middle.

Next thing I know they are in a fist fight and getting sent to the principals office. Within an hour they have an announcement saying a freak snow storm is coming in and they are letting us go early. I finish my last line I have in my head as a guy clearing his throat from behind me makes me jump.

"Didn't know you jumped so easily." Danny says with a laugh

"I was inside my own head working on stuff. You startled me is all Daniel, so how much trouble did you get into?"

"Same as always, so was being in your head a good thing or bad thing?"

I smile as I look up at him and finish packing my stuff when our teacher says we need to leave.

"Good thing this time. I just hope my mind didn't screw me up. Thank you for earlier...."

"No need to thank me love he had it coming for awhile now, besides if anyone is gonna piss you off I much rather it be me." He says to me with a seductive smirk and wink

"You're a complicated one ain't you?" I say with a laugh

"How did you put it yesterday? Something like look who's calling the kettle and pit black?"

I laugh and shake my head "it's look at the pot calling the kettle black."

"I was close enough. I at least now know what you look like when you smile." He shoots me his signature smile and wink and I just smile and roll my eyes as I shake my head at him.

A/n next chapter will be placed in present and past under Danny's p.o.v.

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