Proposal || Gerome

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Sorry for the late update smh

I skipped along the path that lead to the stables. I skipped until I found Gerome.

"Gerome!" I cooed.

"What is it, Morgan?" He didn't bother to look over at me.

I frowned. "I was wondering if I could help you wash Minerva!" I walked towards them, placing my book on the table.

Gerome looked over, "I don't see why not." He shrugs. I smile at him, seeing the lower half of his face.

"If I help, will you take your mask off?" I ask. I see a frown.

"No, Morgan." He says, "I don't need help, you're just volunteering, remember?" He repeats our conversation.

"Please~" I whine.

"No, Morgan. No means no." He says.

"Fine." I groan, picking up a water bucket and sponge. I gently brushed Minerva, hearing purrs. I turned my back and felt Minerva rubbing against me, wanting my affection. "Hiya Minerva." I smile, crouching down and facing her. Gerome looked over then looked away, going to clean her saddle. "What's it like being Gerome's Wyvern?" I ask, knowing I'm just talking to myself.

"Who's back there?" I hear my mother's voice. I jump up,

"Sorry Mama!" I smile.

"Why're you with Gerome's Wyvern?" She asked, Cherche appeared besides her, her stable was by Gerome's.

"She was going to help him clean her, guessing from what it looks like, he left her to do it herself." Cherche says, letting out a sigh, "that kid sure isn't easy to read."

"Seems just like this father." Mom shakes her head.

"Sure is." Cherche laughs, my mother laughs along her.

"Morgan, don't be late for dinner. Don't let F/N eat all of it without us." She says. Cherche lets out a laugh. I turn and see Gerome enter with Minerva's saddle.

"Hey Kiddo." Cherche says.

"What Mother?" He doesn't bother to say anything but that. I shoot her a glimpse of sorry. She plays it off.

"Cherche, let's go see what Chrom's up to." My mom says and walks away, giving me a goodbye kiss on the forehead.

"Shouldn't you be nicer to your mom?" I ask Gerome, walking up to his work station as he messed around with the saddle, trying to repair any kinks.

"Here, put this on Minerva, be helpful." He dodges my question, and hands me the saddle. I nod and place it on Minerva, securing it carefully. I stand up and look over at Gerome, he's now working on any other kinks for Minerva's armor. I look over at Gerome, he's on a knee, his other up. I let out a gasp. He looks up and furrows an eye brow.

"Gerome!" I smile, a tint of red on my cheeks. He stands up.

"What? I was just cleaning a puddle." I frown at him.

"I thought you were proposing!" I yelled in anger.

"Just because I got on my knees?" He sounded like he had never seen the world before.

I let out another frown before stomping away. "Stupid Gerome, thinks he can be a false lead!" I argued with myself.

"What happened, Morgan?" Lucina came up to me. She's been my best friend, (you can add *and sister* if Robin's married to Chrom).

"Gerome happened!" I complained.

"What'd Gerome do?" She asked.

"He got on his knees and made it look like he was going to propose then he said, 'I was cleaning a puddle', the audacity!" I stomped my foot.

"Propose?" She gives a dazed look.

"Yeah." I let out a pout.

"I didn't know you liked Gerome." Lucina giggles.

"I don't, it's just he gave me false hope." I cross my arms.

"Would you say 'yes' if he proposed?" She lets out a smile.

"Yes, of course." I say.

"Can I tell Robin and Cherche?" Lucina ask. She pointed towards the other side of her, since they were right there.

"No, I'll tell them!" I grin, my confidence was always getting in the way. "Mom, Cherche, I got some news." I giggle. Lucina watched.

"What is it?" They both asked. That's when I froze stiff. What would I say, 'I like Gerome and I'm going to marry him, whether he likes it or not'.

Lucina popped in, "So Gerome got on a knee and Morgan, here, thought he was proposing whenever he really was cleaning a puddle and she says 'I would say yes if he proposed'. Isn't that great, Cherche? A daughter-in-law!" Lucina jokingly shakes me around.

I looked at my mother and Cherche. "Gerome and marriage?" She thought. "I do think you're wife material. Are you sure you want to marry Gerome although?"

"I really think he's nice, even though he doesn't show it, he's super nice!" I smile.

"Robin, would you mind if I gave her my blessing?" Cherche turns to my mother. My mother nods.

"Gerome could have my blessing but, he still hasn't proposed." Mom said.

"Morgan! You forgot this." Gerome walked over, holding my book. He held it out. Everyone stared, thinking of the conversation we just had. "Why is everyone staring?" He asked. Lucina elbows me and then slowly backs away. Mom goes with her, going towards the opposite direction towards father.

Cherche patted my back, "Your turn, daughter." She smiles, giving the slightest hint to Gerome. I blush.

"Daughter?" He tilts his head in confusion.

"She was talking about daughter-in-law." I fidget with my book cover.

"But, I'm not married." He said, then he gets it. "She gave you her blessing, didn't she?"

I nod, "My mother gave you a blessing." I say awkwardly.

"Well then, maybe this is when my father's advice comes in." He gets on a knee, pulling a ring. "If you don't like the ring, I don't care. It's a old one of my mother's." He shrugs. I smile at him. "Anyways, will you take my hand in marriage?"

"Yes!" I let him slip the ring on my finger, him getting up to hug me.

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