"Do you happen to still have...", he starts to say but I cut him off, knowing what he was going to say.

"Top drawer, where you left them", I say before he can even finish his sentence. We both had clothes at each other's house as we often showed up unannounced and ended up staying the night. He seems surprised to know his clothes are still there but doesn't comment on it.

"Thanks", he says as he grabs a pair of boxers from the drawer and leaves the room again. Okay, Emma, pull it together now. It's Brad. Just Brad. Your best friend since you were eight. The one person that would use the toilet while you're two feet away taking a shower behind the curtain, and hold a conversation with you as if it's totally normal. The same guy that wouldn't hesitate to kick you out of bed if you pull too much on the duvet. But as much as I want to think of him as my best friend, all I'm actually thinking is how hot he was looking in that towel, drops of water falling on his chest from his damp hair.

"What are you thinking about?" I suddenly hear, bringing me back to reality. Once again I can feel my cheeks turn to red. Can he tell what I was thinking about? You know that feeling you have when you think about something and you make eye contact with someone and wonder if they can read your thoughts and automatically your mind starts picturing them naked? Yep, that's what's happening right now.

"Nothing", I quickly answer, almost too defensive judging by the look on his face. He's standing near the door, only wearing the pair of Calvins he grabbed from the drawer, typing away on his phone. Once again my eyes drop to where they shouldn't and I find myself biting my lower lip at the thought of everything I want to do with him.

"Okay...", he answers as he locks his phone and looks up. "You sure you're okay?"

Fuck me. Why did I inherit the red cheeks gene? Not fair! And why is he able to read me so well?

"Can you stop asking me that? I'm fine, okay?", I say with an eye roll. "If there's someone being weird right now, it's you, standing there like a weirdo"

My comment makes Brad laugh and he starts walking towards his side of the bed. He joins me under the duvet in his usual earthquake and turns to face me, splashing me with his wet hair.

"Brad!", I scream as I push him away from me, which obviously makes him laugh.

"Oh sorry love, did I get you wet?" he says, shaking his head at me, showering me with water drops. His comment makes my heart skip a beat and I have to swallow hard not to let him see on my face the impact his comment had on me.

"Seriously stop it, or you sleep on the floor", I say, my hand on his chest to keep him away from me. I suddenly realize where my hand is and quickly move it away. What the fuck Emma, just act normal! Brad isn't laughing anymore after I moved my hand so abruptly. He's looking at me with the same look he had earlier tonight, that tortured look I hate to see on him. We're both looking at each other, trying to read what's on the other's mind. What's on his? Is he thinking about Ashley? Does he miss her?

"We haven't really talked about...", he starts, hesitant. "You know... About what happened"

I knew it. He's thinking about her. Hearing him talk about how much he misses her is the last thing I want.

"I don't want to talk about it", I say, hoping he wouldn't insist. He stares at me again as if lost in his own thoughts.

"We don't have to", he answers before pausing for a second. His eyes are scanning my face like never before and I'd do anything to know what's in his mind at this moment.

"Em, I.."., he starts to say, hesitant again. "I know you're still hurt, and that you..."

"I really don't wanna talk about it", I answer, cutting him off.

"I know, but I want you to know I'm sor..."

"Brad, seriously, shut up", I say, placing my hand over his mouth. "We both did things we regret, but what's done is done, okay? Please don't make me kick you out"

"I'm sorry", he says, grabbing my hand still on his lips. "I promise I won't talk about it anymore. Unless you want to", he adds and I give him a smile before removing my hand from his. The contact of his skin on mine is giving me serious shivers and I can't take the risk of him noticing it.

"You must be exhausted", I say, judging by the bags under his eyes. The tours always take a toll on him, having to perform almost every night and sleeping on the tour bus. I'm actually surprised he hasn't fallen asleep yet.

"I've known worse", he answers, not very convincing. "Are you though? Because we can totally turn off the lights if you want to"

"I'm not", I say, not willing to go to sleep just yet. I finally have my best friend back, and I want to enjoy tonight for as long as I can. At least until my eyes fail me. We spend the next couple of hours catching up as if nothing ever happened. He tells me stories about the tour and the fans they met, and I tell him about my boring life at home, desperately looking for a job. I fight the drowsiness for as long as I can but eventually fall asleep, listening to Brad's voice.

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