Chapter 2

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Phi couldn't sleep

Throughout the entire night, he lay there on his bed, which felt as hard as rocks, wondering about the origins of Shinigami. The name itself meant God Of Death in Japanese, and in the request chapter, she had mentioned descending from Heaven's dungeons. On the other hand, according to folklore websites, kitsune were the allies of the Japanese gods, so there was no reason to throw Shinigami in the dungeons. 

Unless of course, she had done something very wrong. He doubted that the Japanese God Of Death would have just allowed a random kitsune to copy his name, and judging by her actions and personality, she might have plagiarized more than just the name. No, what was he thinking?! Sure, she may have appeared on a meteor, have nine tails, teleport and summon a scythe out of nowhere, but as Evel said, kitsune aren't real. She must be a fake.

Groaning, Phi dragged himself off the bed that made him stare into space for so long and headed to the bathroom to wash off, wake up and clear his mind of kitsune and death gods. Turning on the tap and washing his face, he didn't even notice what happened to his hair until he finished drying off and looked in the mirror.

Screaming so loud that the dead could hear him, Phi threw whatever was in his reach at the mirror in horror, praying to whatever god he believed in for the reflection to be fake

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Screaming so loud that the dead could hear him, Phi threw whatever was in his reach at the mirror in horror, praying to whatever god he believed in for the reflection to be fake. Panicking, his hands rapidly moved to his hair, feeling for the white flowing locks that made people question his gender. They weren't there. Shrieking even louder, he jumped about three feet in the air, sprinted through the halls like there was no tomorrow, and retreated to the darkest corner of his room where he could finish his heart attack in peace. 

Clutching the roots of his once flowing hair, he tried to stop his heart from bursting out of his chest in panic. His train of thought was going at the speed of light, desperately trying to sort out what just happened. His hair was brutally cut-no, murdered and his thoughts somehow landed on a potential suspect of the crime.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to be this horrified."

His eyes flew open and were filled with fire. Rage flowed through his body, sending him into an abyss of fury. Heart beating seventy kilometers per hour, he lunged at the demon who had obviously slaughtered his white locks.

Shinigami dodged his attack and laughed. "Just because I barge in doesn't mean I cut your hair. Look! It's back!"

Phi stopped attacking in mid-air. Distrusting her words, he felt for his mane, and almost jumped out of his skin when, instead of chopped roots, his hands clutched long, flowing white hair. Staring wide-eyed in disbelief, he could only splutter out "how?"

Shinigami simply shrugged her shoulders. "Just a simple illusion spell. Before you attack me, this was a dare. The dare was for you to face your greatest fear. I knew that you were deathly afraid of losing your hair, so I used a simple illusion spell, and behold! A Phi that actually looks like a boy!"

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