Leon: Ah, there's my baby girl.

Violetta: Leon?

Leon: Hey Alex, look I just want to apologise for the way I treated you yesterday it was wrong of me I shouldn't have spoken to you like that so welcome to the studio *Holds his hand out for him to shake it*

Alex: *Shakes his hand* Thanks Leon, I guess I was wrong about you.

Leon: Yeah, and you should come to our wedding right baby?

Alex: Your wedding?

Violetta: Yeah, we're getting married tomorrow.

Leon: You should come.

Alex: Umm thank you I will be there, well I got to go but I will see you at 8 pm at your house right Violetta?

Violetta: Yeah bye.

Leon: Wait, what does he mean around your house at 8 pm?

Violetta: I told him I would help him with the piano for his exam.

Leon: No, we have a party tonight and you knew that because I told you about it yesterday.

Violetta: Leon, I don't want to go to the party.

Leon: Are you being serious? Francesca and Camila are going to be there.

Violetta: And I don't want to go.

Leon: Fine, stay home than with your little Alex I'm sure he'll have a different sign.

He walked away and Violetta was shouting for him.


Francesca: Woah, his middle name and last name oh he's done something wrong.

Violetta: Leon!!! Get here now.


Francesca: Okay, Violetta calm down what's going on with you two?

Violetta: He isn't happy with me because I'm helping Alex tonight instead of going to the party.

Francesca: But, it's your last night as a single woman as you are walking down the aisle tomorrow Violetta.

Violetta: I know, but he needs a piano so I'm thinking of helping him.

Francesca: Okay, but you must go later.

Violetta: I'll come later after I help Alex.

Francesca: Good now go talk to your fiancé before it's too late.

Violetta walked into the zoom and saw him standing by the door.

Violetta: Leon?

Leon: Hmm?

Violetta: I'm sorry.

Leon: Look, it's fine okay.

Violetta: Leon I love you and I'm not going to do anything I'm going to walk down the aisle to you tomorrow I promise.

Leon: Yeah, I know baby I don't doubt you I just don't like the fact that you would rather stay home instead of coming to the party.

Violetta: Well, I will come after I help Alex.

Leon: Okay.

Violetta: Okay? That's all you have to say.

Leon: Yeah.

After some time, Pablo walked in.

Pablo: Okay, take your seats lets start, how is everyone's songs coming along.

Love me like you do *Leonetta Story* book 1Where stories live. Discover now