"can i plan the baby shower" he said "of course" i said and he ran and hugged me and everyone just hugged me "so when are you telling oscar" jamal said "in a few days it has to be a week till they can get a vister so im more nervous because what if he doesnt want the baby? oh my god! what if he leaves me? what if he finds someone better? wha-" "He is not ok i know my brother" cesar said "welcome to the family" cesar said to my stomach.

1 week later

"hello can i see Oscar Diaz" i said im with cesar to go see oscar. i hope this will be good "how old is he?" the man asked "14" i said "okay come with me" he said and i saw cesar looking worried so put my arm around cesar "come on everything will be ok" i said "okay" he said with a smile. Me and cesar sat of the bench with a table on it while we waited for oscar then i saw him he looked at me and smirked and saw cesar and smiled "hey baby" he said kissing me and he gave cesar a hug "how you guys been" he asked "good yasmine has news" cesar said and oscar raised his eyebrow "whats wrong" he asked "well there is no other way of saying this but im pregnant with your baby" i said really fast "huhh?" He said and chuckled "im having your baby" i said slowly "YOUR WHAT!!!!" He yelled "shhh and yes i was gonna tell you but you got arrested" i said and then oscar told the guards to put him back in his cell. Thats when i started to cry i knew this was gonna happen cesar got mad and before oscar left cesar told oscar to hold up 

 cesar pov 

i told oscar to wait the asked him "why would you do that she is inlove with you and your inlove with her and she just said she is having your baby and your gonna just walk out like that?" i said "because i am bad for this baby i dont want the baby to think im a bad man im happy she is having my baby but i think it would be better if im not around" oscar said "you know i told her she wasnt going to have to worry about you leaving her to be a single parent but i guess im wrong she is going to be a great mother you know call when your ready to be in her life again ok your gonna be just like dad9" i said "bye hermano" oscar said.

yasmine pov

i couldnt believe it. i thought he loved me. i broke down in tears i wanted to scream and cry but im not i see cesar coming back and i take one look at oscar and he looks at me with regret and mouths "sorry" and the guards put him back into his cell.

now in the present

i have taken care of aliyah she is the most cutest baby i have ever seen i love her so much. i was cooking then i heard my door open and slam with a bang. i look and saw cesar with my baby on top of his shoulders.  "i got news" he said with a frown "what?" i asked and took aliyah to her room and put on mickey mouse on. "i just saw my brother" cesar said after i heard those 5 words my world just stopped and i fell to the floor "he got out" i said and then cesar hugged me i heard running at my door and looked and seen jamal and ruby out of breathe "whats wrong" i asked "os-car is com-ing ri-ght n-ow " ruby said trying to get air then i heard the loud music. "ohh noo" and then aliyah came running out her room "tios" she yelled and ruby catches  her. "i guess we are going to the park because im not letting him see her come on aliyah get your shoes and hurry up and you guys meet me in the car" i said and throwing jamal my keys. i get aliyah ready and i run out to the can when i saw a red car turning to my block "jamal hurry up he is hear" i said and jamal quickly pulls out and drives to the park and i look and see oscar in the drivers seat next to us i have ruby aliyah when jamal pulled out so she would be safe in her car seat then we reach a red light

"hola haven't seen you in a while" oscar said with a smile then looks behind me and see aliyah "are you guys going to the park" he asked i didnt answer him and then it turned green and we went to the park and oscar came to because he followed us i got aliyah and held her hand and walked to the park with jamal and ruby and cesar 

oscars pov (bet you didnt see that)

i went to my house and saw cesar running around "hey cesar why are u running" i said and as soon i said that he ran to this little girl and picked her up and left "hey come back here" i yelled and he ran to a alley i guess i have to follow him so i did and when i got their i saw someone in a black car drive very fast so i followed them to see if it was cesar and when i got behind them they drove a little bit fast so i drove next to them and then saw yasmine and jamal driving "hola haven't seen you in a while" i said smiling i look back and see ruby hugging something then i notice it was a little girl "are you guys going to the park" i asked and she didnt even look at me. alright fine i guess im going to really follow you. and i was right it was a little girl and they were going to the park. 

yasmine pov 

i seen oscar and let me say he got more sexy if that is a thing but im not talking to him after the last time i had seen him cesar told me why he didnt want the baby and i thought it was stupid but still i let her play and i talked to the guys "so how are u feeling after right now" ruby asked "to be honest im not talking to oscar till he tells me whats up or he wants to be in OUR child's life" i said i turned around and didnt see aliyah "GUYS WHERE IS ALIYAH" i yelled and all of us where running around till i saw her with oscar she had a flower and she was looking at him and the got the flower and then saw me and yelled "MOMMY LOOK WHAT THIS NICE MAN GAVE ME" and showed me the flower. 

"its cute baby but come on we need to leave" i said while looking at him "why dont you let her talk to me she is my daughter to and plus we need to talk" oscar said "now you wanna talk hold on" i said and i saw jamal and gave aliyah to jamal he looked at me then saw oscar and got worried "are you oka-" he asked "im fine just put her in the car" i said i went back to oscar and pushed him "now you wanna come back after 3 years i waited for you to call me and say yasmine i want this baby but now that she is 3 years old you wanna be her dad really oscar i expect that from someone else your not the oscar i knew" i said and then he said "yasmine i didnt want our kid to grow up knowing her daddy was a bad man or asking when is daddy coming back from jail do you think i wanted that i was happy when i found out and you have never been to jail or anything like me so ya" "you know what oscar im done with your games you know why?" i asked and he said why "because you always win cause i still love you i never stopped loving you and i want you here for aliyah but you need to show me that you have changed" i said while tears were coming down then i felt oscar pull me into a hug. "i promise"

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