Play with me

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A/N: This was requested by randshwee. Sorry that I updated late cause I was having my final exams so i didn't have the time to write it.
Warning: this contain smut don't like don't watch

Narrator Pov

It was once peacefull afternoon......


Thunderstorm: I said that you're so prideful of yourself.

Solar: WHY YOU-


Hm...I doubt it I say peaceful.....*signs

Well anyways let's continue the story.

Cyclone's Pov

Quake: you better clean your room. said while dark aura surrounding him

Cyclone: Yes Mama Quake

When go to the downstairs i released my breathe that i was holding in.

Cyclone: Now i have to clean my room.

After some time

I am almost done cleaning my room.
I hear a knock on the door. I open the door to see....

Thorn: Hi cyclone

Cyclone: Hi thorn

Thorn: what are you doing?

Cyclone: i am cleaning my room. What are you doing here?

Thorn: oh i was wondering if you can play with me.

Cyclone: I am sorry but i need to clean my room before Quake dig my grave

Thorn: please play with me

Cyclone: why don't you play with others

Thorn: i already ask them but..........

Flashback (thorn's pov)

I go to solar first but he was busy doing something but when was i about to go downstairs i heared a explosion i turn around to see that solar's face was black and was knocked out.


Cyclone: seriously!Haha! I bet it. It was funny to see.

Continue flashback

Then i go to thunderstorm and ask him

Thorn: Hey thundy can you play with me?

Thunderstorm:💢💢 don't call me with that name and no i don't want to play now

I see ice sleeping in the couch. I go to him
Thorn: Hey! Ice! Wake up!

I shout near his ear. He fall down from the couch.

Ice: ouch! Its hurts!

Thorn: hey ice

Ice: what

Thorn: can you play with me?

Ice: No sorry i am busy.....

Thorn: but you're not bus-

Ice: in sleeping.

He cuts me off. ' I should ask blaze' i thought. Now where is he? Ah! There is he

Thorn: Hey! Blaze! Wait up!

Blaze: * flinches* oh! Its you thorn

Thorn: Are you okay

Blaze: y-yeah i am fine

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