Billy Handsome X Reader

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*I know the ending of the story doesn't follow the Mob of the Dead intro cutscene. I just wanted to write a good ending.

Character is Female.

Alcatraz – 1933

"Enjoy your new home, (L/N)." Ferguson said menacingly, shoving the female prisoner into her cell, bolting it as she lifted herself up from the concrete floor. She dusted off the dirt from her blue prison shirt and walked towards the bed, sitting on it and locking her eyes on the guard who pushed her into her chamber.

(Y/N) (L/N) was arrested for murder and for being an accomplice in previous murder cases. She managed to avoid persecution, until a few weeks ago; one of the victims' families identified and reported her to the police. Unfortunately, the final verdict for her crimes was a life sentence. Little did law enforcement and the judge know about her true identity. The woman was (Y/N) DeLuca, the little sister of the notorious mob boss, Salvatore "Sal" DeLuca. Since he and his crew got arrested, she changed her last name and worked as an assassin, trying to finish Billy Handsome's tasks for her elder brother.

There were only four other inmates in the prison block, according to the Warden, but the girl didn't hear anything regarding their identity, other than the fact that they were men. One of them was located in the cell on her right-hand side, a concrete wall separating the two prisoners.

Ferguson was talking to one of the inmates, until one began to yell in agonizing pain.

"Damn it, Arlington!" He walked towards the man's cell on (Y/N)'s left-hand side, unlocking and opening it to investigate the man.

"You gotta get the doc!" The man begged as he continued groaning in pain.

"Better be the real deal, this time." Said the guard before the sound of his body and baton was heard falling onto the ground. (Y/N) chuckled as the thought of his corpse surrounded by a pool of blood popped into her head.

"Payback, bitch." The woman muttered to herself as her evil cackles died down.

She suddenly heard her cell door open. She recognized the man's figure instantly; the blue flat hat and his short stature were characteristics of the one and only Albert "Weasel" Arlington.

"Hello, Weasel." She greeted the man with a cold tone.

"(Y/N)?" He squinted, trying to look at the (H/C)-haired woman in the darkness.

"What's going on over here?" Another man approached her cell. His hair was slicked back, and his blue shirt had the serial number 386A sewn across his chest. His dark brown eyes widened as he identified the mystery inmate.

"Sal!" (Y/N) grinned and ran towards her older brother, wrapping her arms around him and burying her head in his chest. Sal hugged his little sister tightly, before pulling away from her embrace.

"(Y/N), how did you get here?" He asked his younger sibling as she stepped away from him, giving him some space.

"I was on my way to kill one the guys that owed you." She began. "You know that son of bitch you ordered Billy to kill before you four were arrested? His wife recognized me and turned me in."

"Hey, (Y/N)." A man in a white t-shirt with a cigarette in his mouth greeted as he marched toward her. His dark hair was also slicked back, the sides recently trimmed. His ocean blue eyes stared into her (E/C) ones. A blush had made its way across her face, dusting her cheeks a deep shade of pink.

"Hi, Billy."

"Here you go, fellas. Courtesy of the Warden's private collection." Billy spoke, handing each of the mobsters a Python revolver.

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