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My alarm sounded as louder than ever
It was currently 5:15, usually I would wake up at 6, but I wanted to be early today since I'm playing on the court and I didn't want to disappoint coach by being late.

I started heading out of my dorm as my dorm keeper waved goodbye and I waved back.

When I had walked outside, the sun was only rising and only the sound of my footsteps could be heard.
I walked towards the gym, a little nervous, whilst my earphones were in.
To be honest I WAS scared, what if I made a huge mistake and I'm just like any other usual boring player.
I mean, many people before had said I jump EXTREMELY high, but can't others also jump high too?!?

By the time I had stopped complaining in my head, I was already at the gym.
Luckily, I'm the manager so I have the keys, but this time I didn't have to unlock the gym..

Someone else was there . I cautiously opened the door to the gym and wasn't surprised to see Goshiki practicing his serves.

He heard my little walk in and landed on his feet without spiking the ball, causing the ball to land right on top of his head. 

Goshiki's P.O.V
I looked at her OBVIOUSLY embarrassed, I missed a spike Right.In.Front.Of.My.CRUSH.
She laughed awkwardly and I couldn't feel my face heat up.

"The way the ball bounced off your head, it was like this" She then started doing these weird actions which I honestly thought looked cute.
"Hey, Goshiki!" she said, walking towards me
"When do the others come?"
They all came at different times, what should I say? should I say each member's name and what certain time they come orrr-
"U-uhM YES th-they come around 5:55 o-or so" oh no. I need to calm down and stop becoming a stuttering mess.
She nodded stroking her imaginary beard.
"So if my calculations are right, they will be here innnn about 10 minutes"
I peered up at the small clock in the corner of the room.
It read 5:47.
"Yeah close enough"

Tendou P.O.V
"WAKaTOshI-KUUUUN!!!!!!" I screamed with voice cracks in between.
He just looked up at me with not really caring.

"Wakatoshi-kun, good morning"
he replied:
"Where's the good attttt?Just morning?"
He nodded.
"Eh? Sometimes it's kinda hard to understand you"

I carried on talking to him while we walked towards the gym.
We were at the gym door and he was about to open it when I pulled him back and told him
"Y/N was being REALLY fishy yesterday after coach talked to her, and she won't tell me what it's about"
Ushijima didn't really seem to care, he just ignored me like I said nothing then walked inside the gym.

I heard the door slide open whilst i was talking to Goshiki.
I could see Tendou's familiar face from the corner of my eyes and I decided to go greet him.

"Good morning , how was your sle-"
"Y/N TELL ME WHAT COACH TOLD YOU" he grabbed my shoulder and shook me back and forth AGAIN.
I decided not to take his hand off my shoulder , but instead held onto them.
"I'm playing on the court"
I looked towards the left and saw Ushijima secretly listening to our convo , and to be honest, I don't really thinks he wants me on the team.

"HAHA I SO AM" I gave him a large smile.
No I won't.

*time skip to when you're about to play*
"Okay guys, I have an announcement"
Everyone gathered around coach.
"Today Y/N will be playing on court just for tasters"
All the team (except Tendou and Shirabu) was shocked.
"Please do not complain"
No one said a word but I knew they all were a bit anxious..
"Okay get to practice" coach told us to get in our position.

I was placed a middle blocker , I really don't know why but I just went along with it.
The whistle blew and the game had started. The ball was already flying through the air.
the team I was in:

The ball flew over to our side and it was about to land on the floor but Yamagata had saved it just in time with his Libero skills , the ball then flew over to the other side of the court
"CHANCE BALL!" Semi shouted getting ready to toss the ball for Ushijima
O shit

I panicked. What do i do what do i do
my feet started moving on their own and ran towards the net where i'm meant to jump.
Ushijima jumped and i jumped with him
He spiked the ball with power
But it didn't go pass , I blocked it
that's cool....

we both dropped down to the floor , landing on our feet and it all went silent
"Y-Y/N" Tendou scream/shouted
I looked down at my feet
what just happened

I peered over my shoulder slightly and saw coach looking at me which made me more nervous.
"Guys lets carry on playing" i said , wanting to break the silence
They all clapped and started cheering

"Y/N YOU BLOCKED USHIJIMA" Goshiki remarked
"That was pretty damn cool" Semi complimented
"AND I THOUGHT YOU WERE JUST A MANAGER OH MY GAWSH" Tendou was probably gonna explode
I looked up at Ushijima to see him with a confused face
He nodded at me "well done" he quietly said
Although he didn't look too happy.

We played more and more round and i kept blocking every spike that had been made
I also got many compliments like
"You jump so high"
"You're really good at jumping"
I really felt like apart of them

Coach had told me to see him again after practice and i was yet again very nervous
I really hope he accepts my basic volleyball skills because i just don't wanna get kicked out

"Thank you for playing on the court with them Y/N"
"no, thank you for giving me such a wonderful opportunity" i bowed 90° at him
he looked down at me AND FOR THE FIRST TIME i saw him smile
"Perhaps you would like to stay on the court permanently?"
it's like he could read my mind

I turned around to see everyone surrounding us
I gave them a questioning look wondering if they will accept me or not
They all gave a thumbs up (except Ushijima)
I turned my attention back to coach
"Yes I would like to join"

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