The News (Chapter 1)

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Hey guys! So this is my first book. I'll try to post as often as possible but I can't make promises! Let me know what yall think. Feedback is good to (negative or positive). Enjoy!
Chapter 1
Larissa POV

I woke up to my phone ringing. I looked at the caller id( thank god for that ) and saw it was my agent. "LARISSA!!!! GUESS WHAT!!" My agent Daisy Biklebottem screamed into the phone. "What?" I was a bit calmer since I had just woken up. "There's an audition for a new movie. So I figured you would want to audition. It's called 'Upcoming Stars.' Are you interested?" I was silent for a minute. When I didn't answer she said, "Oh! And did I mention Adam Williams will be in it?" I think I dropped my phone or something cause I was just about speechless. "YES! Of course I want to audition!" Daisy let out a little squeal. "Then it's settled. I'll try to get you a slot for next Saturday. Cool?" "Mega cool!!" Daisy let out a small laugh. "Alright kid. Talk to ya later!" After we hung up, I let out a scream. I guess it was pretty loud because my mother came running up the stairs and burst into my room thinking something bad had happened. She saw the look on my face and asked what happened. I told her everything with a smile on my face. "Great! Now get ready for school. You'll be late." I quickly got ready and got in the car and my mom drove me to school. I couldn't wait to tell my friends!!
As soon as I got to school, I headed straight to our secret spot. Kayla and Margaret were already there. "Hey guys! Great news!" They looked at me with eager faces. I was about to open my mouth when, BING BING BING! We all sighed. The first bell. "Tell us at lunch," Kayla and Margaret said at the same time. They were twins, so sometimes they spoke at the same time. "Alright. See Ya at lunch!" Then I was off to First Period. Science.
At lunch, Kayla and Margaret told me to spill everything. "Ok. I'm gonna audition for a movie that Adam Williams is in!!" We all had a little squeal fest. A few people stared but we didn't care. "The Adam Williams? The Hollywood Hottie Adam Williams?" Kayla asked. "Yes! Daisy called this morning and told me. I have my audition on Saturday." "Larissa, you better get this part! Or I will talk to the directors and tell them what they were missing," Margaret said. We all laughed and before we knew it, lunch was over. We said bye and decided to come over my house later. Now off to my other classes.
So that's my first chapter! Comment and vote wit you want too. Let me know what you guys think! I'll update soon (I hope). Adios!

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