Nervously Barry asks him, "Does this mean I have to take another arrow to the back?" referring to their first training session together when Oliver manages to put an arrow on his back.

"You shot him?" Black Siren raises an eyebrow at him.

"It was part of his training and no not today though a makeup session as payback should teach you a thing or two," Oliver smirks, making Barry even more nervous but chuckle a bit until he realizes they were alone. "Where's Felicity and the others?"

"Boy scout here, remind the annoying blonde who runs this camp, so she quit along with the nerd and ragdoll." Black Siren cheers while Barry looks at Oliver in disbelief. "Is she serious?"

"Yes, it's true. I understand that you and Felicity have a close friendship, and since you are not around, it doesn't make sense, but for the longest time, Felicity had challenged my authority and shown that she was a hypocrite when it came to us ever since we came back to face Darhk. I was just too blind to see it at first, but no more, we can't work together like this." Oliver answers without a bit of regret in his voice.

Barry was aware of the relationship between the two hadn't been the same since Felicity called off the wedding; he had no idea it was this bad.

"I have to respect that. It sucks, but I was blind too when it came to Iris with all the signs that we don't work relationship-wise," Barry whispers. He remembers when he came back from the Flashpoint timeline that Iris change her mind about wanting a relationship with him for his action. Though they manage to patch things up, Barry has since put his feelings for her on the back burner.

"From what I have seen and heard during the Dominator attack moving on hasn't been that hard with Kara around," Oliver smirks again with this time Barry blushing. When Kara return to help out against the Dominators, she and Barry grew closer, and thanks to Cisco, she could appear on their earth if need be.

"Anyways, not that I would love to talk about my love life, I still have substantial business in Central City. Again I'm sorry about not telling you about Black Siren." Barry extends his hand, though, to his surprise, Oliver gives him a brotherly hug.

"Water under the bridge." They quickly end the hug with Barry and Black Siren saying a short bye to each other before he flashes out of the lair.



"You know you both are going to have to move past what happen," Oliver said to Black Siren.

"We will see about that." The two gaze into each other eyes for a second when Thea enters the room alongside a free Diggle. "Did Barry just come through here because I saw a red blur just now."

Thea sees what looks like Laurel standing right next to her brother. "Laurel?" Thea questions knowing that she had talked to her on the phone, but seeing how she look in person, she wasn't too sure.

"Thea. Diggle." Black Siren greets them.

"Wait, Diggle, how are you out of jail?" Oliver asks surprisingly.

"Chase received information from an anonymous source that helped clear my name, so I became free to go. Speaking of the unknown person, where are Felicity and the others?" Diggle gets straight to the point. Oliver takes a deep breath, for he is in for a long story to share with both Thea and Diggle.

"I will need to pop popcorn for this." Black Siren quips.

After explaining recent events, Thea felt conflicted for she was okay with Felicity, she didn't feel the need to shed a tear over her leaving considering she explored the relationship between her and Ollie was a bit toxic since the breakup. As far as Black Siren, she isn't sure how to feel about that issue. Diggle, on the other hand, did not like what he heard.

Return of Laurel LanceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant