"I'm hurrying." I huffed, knowing the real reason he was huffing and puffing was because he was horny. "It hurts to move." I wasn't lying.

My stomach was screaming at every move, my arms were heavy and my legs were shaking slightly but I fought the pain as I stepped into my jumpsuit very carefully and prayed it wouldn't stick to the sores along my body, I need a good hot shower. I hope it will help with the soreness and probably seeing the infirmary doctor won't be a bad thought either, I wonder if one of my ribs are broken because that seemed to be Freddie's main target the entire beating. 

"When can I shower?" I asked him.

"Tomorrow morning. I'll take you." He promised, and I wasn't sure what way he meant that, sexually probably. "I want you tonight."

"I'd rather not." I retorted immediately and he sucked his teeth a second later, making me smirk.

I wasn't disgusted with fucking him, I wasn't disgusted at all actually and it was something I wanted to look forward to but right now wasn't the time, I wanted him to suffer the horniness because he deserved to suffer something. Even if it was just mentally, he deserved to suffer for the physical and emotional pain he caused me. I reached down to zip my jumpsuit but Freddie's hand beat me as he slowly lifted the zipper and gave me a kiss behind the back of my ear, making a shiver course through me.

"If I wanna fuck you, I will." He whispered huskily, his breath now breathing down my neck.

"That's rape." I breathed, licking my suddenly dry lips.

"Not if you're willing." He chuckled, and it took a moment for me to realize I had pushed myself against his front, feeling his hardened cock eagerly pushing against my butt.

He pulled back and I grabbed onto the bunk while staring forward in complete shock, I wanted him to fuck me more than anything and I already knew that tonight, he was going to be inside of me, because that's what I wanted and even I can say I usually get what I want. I was going to get me some dick tonight, I know that. I turned slowly and followed behind him with my slow shuffling, he glanced back at me before gently grabbing me along the waist and pulling me close to him. He smells good. I blinked a few times as if it would rid the thought but it only made me notice how strong his grip was and that made me think of all the wrong things, him holding me in place and just... other thoughts, other thought, other thoughts please! I took a deep breath as he slowly led me to the steps, and it seemed like I was being choked as I took each step and grunted at the planting of my foot on each single one. It hurt to walk, but bending over to get dressed was the real hell, there was no way I was going to strip this off me... he can do all the work.

"What you want to eat?" Freddie asked. 

"What they have?" I asked, attempting to peek at the line of prisoners waiting, I paused to catch my breath at the center of the staircase.

Everyone was slowly walking past Freddie and I with their trays already in their hands and they seemed to be watching us closely, they must of heard Freddie whooping my ass that day, and no one came to my rescue so I'll remember that when it's their turn. I only turned my head to hide for their looks because I know most of them were looking at my black eye, I wanted to curl up and hide but it was useless because they knew what happened. Every single inmate and every single guard that was present heard me getting my ass whooped and they must of enjoyed it since no one came to get Freddie off of me, and I remember screaming for help. 

"Lasagna or meatloaf. Someone's gonna take our seat if you don't speed your fat ass up." Freddie snapped with his bipolar ass, obviously getting peeved at the fact I need help coming down the steps. "Which one you want?"

"Neither one." I said, frowning at the way he was acting towards me, it's his fucking fault! "How about you just go ahead of me, I don't need you here."

"Fine." He said, releasing me a little rougher than he needed to and that was all it took for me to go tumbling down the steps.

I quickly tried to grab for Freddie but he pulled away and allowed me to fall down each step and it was pure agony as a loud yelp left my lips at the impact of the first step along my back, my head bashed into the side railing. The next two steps were the worst because somehow my arm managed to tangle under me and took the majority of my weight, pain rushed through my elbow and I knew it was broken the moment I landed on it the second time. I heard the rushing of feet as people of different faces and races rushed to my aid while Freddie simply cocked his head while slowly taking each step as if he was now mocking me. 

"He's fine." Freddie said in a monotone voice as he neared me.

I sobbed in pain as I clutched my elbow while trying to sit up by a guard immediately grabbed my shoulder to hold me in place while using his walkie-talkie to call for backup, he looked at me before going back to talking into his walkie-talkie as I curled up while waiting for everyone to back away from me. I was more than angry but I was more angry at myself because I trusted Freddie with simply help me go down the steps, and he couldn't even do that. I was reaching a limit and it seemed that moving into another cell would be what was best for me, how long would I allow him to treat me like this before it get worse. I opened my eyes slightly and noticed something was red trialing from alongside me, someone must of spilled their red juice when they rushed to save me. Or... maybe your head is bleeding, dumbass. Shit, I did hit my head on the way down, and I had hit it even harder when I finally reached the ground floor landing as well. Everything blurred and went black seconds later, I felt fuzzy but I knew that soon everything would be okay. While this sort of damage wasn't permanent, it would mentally scare me for the rest of my life. 



"You're lucky to be alive." That must of something the female doctor say often.

I looked at the nurse with a bored look as she flashed a light in my mostly swollen eye, making d me release an irritated throaty sound while moving my head so the light was out of my eye. She made a ticking noise with her tongue before reaching and tapping the cast on my arm to make sure it was finally hardened completely. I glared at her as she attempted to flash the light on my swollen eye and I repeated my action, moving my head so the light couldn't directly blind me. She was pissing me off, but I managed to rein in my anger throughout her inspection of my body, she checked my arm more than three times, kept trying to blind me with her stupid light, and even check my ass through penetration for any damage when she thought I was still under. 

"That shit hurts, you know." I said, glaring at her again. 

"Let me guess, that mouth is the reason Freddie beats the fuck out of you." The doctor said, making me look at her in bewilderment at her unprofessional attitude. 

"Maybe." I muttered in disbelief, looking at her for a moment before looking away. "It only happened on-"

"Yeah, yeah. That's what they always say." She said with animosity, her teeth clenching. "You're only hurting yourself by letting him constantly do this. You're a human being, not some fucking stuff bunny that can take all the hits he throw." What she hurt deep down because I knew she was right...

"I'm a man." I whispered, no real defense behind what I said.

It sounded smarter in my head, it wasn't an excuse to why I was allowing Freddie to treat me like shit.

"What the hell does that got to do with anything?" She asked, her shoulders lowering slightly as she shook her head. "I'm going to give you two shots, dear. A steroid for the elbow and a pain killer that should help all the inflammation and pain you're probably feeling. 

"You're a life saver." I whispered, leaning back against the clean, white pillow behind my head with relief. 

"I'm a doctor." The bitch said, rising to her feet. "It's what I do." 

It made me chuckle, if she was such a life saver why hasn't she saved my soul already? Oh yeah, because I don't have one. 

Prison Bait: Bryson: RecoveryWhere stories live. Discover now