Chapter 8 - Whack-its

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Bashing against the back wall of the cave, the animal spun around quickly and prepared for another attack. Kavetra was already on her feet and ready to roll again. Taking methodical steps in her direction, head down and teeth barred, the creature was ready to pounce when its eyes thrust open in fear and shock. Strange howls and groans echoed out from its throat just as a thick cluster of plant roots exploded out of its belly. Launching towards the ground, the roots pierced the stone floor of the cave, tearing through the rock. Stifled cries of agony accompanied additional root clusters shooting out of the wolvren's mouth and spine, suffocating and eventually ripping the beast to pieces.

It was over. The enchanted nut was a gift from an old shaman Kavetra used to visit when she lived back with the tribe. This was the first time she'd ever had to use one. The first time she'd ever seen what one could do to a living thing. Realizing how terrifying and painful it must have been for the wolvren, she bowed down before the deceased beast and begged for forgiveness for not killing it more quickly.

Emotionally and physically exhausted, she wanted to be back home in her own bed. Stepping passed the mess of the wolvren to look up at the night sky from the entrance of the cave, she contemplated her circumstances. She was still days away from her tribe's village. Had she made the right decision? Staring up as a bank of fog began rolling in, she couldn't help but feel like everything was just a huge mistake. She missed Tibby. She missed Denario.

Returning to the back of the cave, she slid to the floor once more, only this time she allowed herself to truly fall asleep.

🍃 🍃 🍃

Tibby had just finished telling Boo the story about Deemo's home being smashed by Garthia the Forest Giant when the door opened without warning. Eyes wide with fear, Tibby had no time to move before there was a tall human standing inside the cramped space. Wearing brown knee-high boots, dark red pants, and a dark red jerkin, he didn't look like a prisoner. His tan skin and brown hair weren't familiar either. It wasn't until Tibby noticed Deemo sitting on the man's shoulder that he remembered who it was. The same young man he'd met earlier in the day at the cornfield.

River Jung.

"Wow, not so much as a knock?" Boo said with a voice full of snark.

Closing the door, River turned around to face Tibby and Boo, revealing the gash on his jaw in the process.

Eyes wide with shock and concern, Boo jumped to his feet and ran over. "What happened to you?" he asked before Tibby could get out the words.

"You know, just an average conversation with my father," River answered softly.

"Average?" Boo replied as his fingers gently touched River's face. Tibby was surprised by the gesture since Boo didn't come off as the affectionate type. "This is way beyond normal."

"Don't you think I know that?" River growled, his voice full of anger and pain. Rather than back or way or yell back, Boo just held the other man's face. River closed his eyes and tilted his head into the touch. "I'm sorry," he whispered, opening his eyes again.

"I know," Boo responded, his voice just as soft.

Looking up, Tibby could see that River's eyes were watering. Seeing his new friend in pain did not sit well with him. "Your Da is a terrible person," he declared, finally getting his words out.

"He really is," Deemo added in agreement. She hadn't moved from sitting on River's shoulder. Everyone seemed to be rallying around River, which Tibby was both surprised by and even a little jealous of. Had they forgotten about his Da? Lowering his head, he instantly felt guilty. Of course they hadn't. This was just a bad situation from all sides.

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