Part 2

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A disclaimer: I do not own anything DC or anything, I borrowed from other media.

*The next scene shows Oliver visiting Diggle to tell him the big news concerning Laurel*

"I walked into the bunker, and she was just there like nothing had happened like it was some gift." Oliver expresses to Diggle from the other side of the window, still in disbelief that his Laurel was back.

"My Laurel?" Oliver thinks to himself, wondering since when he started calling her that.

"How much does she know about what's happened?" Diggle, who is shocked as well but doesn't show it, asks in a serious tone.

"We're easing her in." Oliver directly answers.

"There's a lot to process. The recruits." Diggle mentions with Oliver chiming in saying, "Prometheus."

"The fact that you killed his dad." Diggle turns to make sure no one was eavesdropping on their conversation leading to Oliver to sign in frustration from remembering that fact. "Tell me about it."

"How are you feeling?" Diggle questions out of nowhere, throwing Oliver off guard.

"I'm all right."

"Oliver, I know you better than that to where you can mask your emotions around me, so let's try again. How are you feeling concerning Laurel?" Diggle restates his question wanting to see where Oliver's mindset is at.

Though Oliver already knew the reason why Diggle ask that question, he was hoping to avoid going in-depth since he still is trying to figure out everything concerning him and Laurel. "During the moment of seeing her back, me and her kiss. Honestly, in a long time, I just felt alive when it had happened."

"Wow, I'm sure Felicity had a particular reaction to seeing that." Diggle assumes only for Oliver to tell him that wasn't the case. "She didn't see it. We had stopped when we heard arriving in the lair."

"Wow, lover boy is already back at it returning girlfriend." Oliver could hear the sarcasm in his voice. It's no secret to Oliver that Diggle was team Felicity when it came to his love life. Little did Diggle know, Oliver someone resented him due to when it came to their relationship, it seems like Diggle most of the time would choose Felicity side rather than be mutual.

"Dig come on you know whatever Felicity and I once had, is now history. We both moved on for good reasons plus with Billy's death, she's in no condition to be with anyone right now." Oliver said, hoping to get Diggle to see reason.

"But, you are in good condition to reconnect with Laurel after her supposed return from the dead?" Diggle argues.

"I told you we just kiss it's not like I put a label on anything yet. If anything, you know me and Laurel have a long history, so you can't blame me for feeling the way that I feel. No relationship is perfect, hell being with Felicity was nowhere near perfect, but I lasted as long as I could until she broke things off." Oliver shoots back, making Diggle rethink his next choice of words.

"Oliver, I know when Laurel died that affected you in more ways than one. I just want you to be careful, man." Diggle responds with sincerely.

Oliver reveals a small smile before saying, "That's why we are brothers, always looking out for each other."

*At the lair*

After finishing up his meeting with Diggle, Oliver returns to the hideout where Laurel already there waiting to see him.

"How it goes with John?" She walks up to him with a warm smile on her face.

"Pretty much expected, he had the same reaction as me about you being back and all. Still trying to figure out a way to get him out." Oliver answers with a smile on his face. "Oh, how I miss that beautiful smile of hers."

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