Welcome to the Rock ( Come From Away)

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[Words, expressions]

In North East North America


It is an airport .This

It is one of the strongest winds in the world

Next to it is a town called Gander


If you're far away, meet a rock (yes!)

You may know half of what we say (yes!)

They say the island is not an island, but an island

[Lesson with Bella]

'Especially when someone comes from a place like Newfoundland


Come on rock!

[Beulah, talk]

And in the morning I am in school

This was the first day on the school bus!

So I covered up for the late Annette

[ANNET, say]

Sorry, Bella! What about children

[Beulah, talk]

Living on a good day is not real happiness

So I told you today is half the day

They are happy

Even though I would say 'today we're going to have lunch!


Best time you ever heard!


If everyone is good, they are not great


Welcome to Disneyland


Wash the water and fish in the back

[Land and lessons]

This is Newfoundland


Come on rock!

Island, I am island

I am welcome, I am welcome

I am welcome, I am welcome

I am welcome, I am welcome

[Me, say]

He is in my car

Cross Walk to Boulevard at school

People are in a hurry today

Do things

Now, I'm just sitting there looking at my hair (HOPE! HOPE!)

If they run away, I will stop them

And write tickets

I will write S-T-F-D:

"Go slowly!"

[Article 2]

We are called to welcome in a good place

We said:


We will not kill!


When we arrived in the country water was our source

We said:


We will not drown!


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