Chapter 3

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(Yuki's pov)
After a while I woke up from a loud noise coming from my window I got up quick and saw that it was just E.J. "it's okay it's just me" E.J said quietly "you scared the hell out of me! Idiot.." I said. E.J. climbed up onto my bed and got close to me "I may be a idiot but I'm your idiot~" E.J. said in my ear. I blushed and he seemed to like it. "I need to talk to you about something" E.J. said. I started to get worried wondering what he would talk about. Did I do something wrong?!? "uhh.. what about?" I said "I want to know if you would want to live in Slender's mansion with me?" My heart dropped I didn't know what to do I was so excited to know that my dream was finally going to come true but then I started to think about other things that might happen "what if the other pastas try to kill me..!" I said worried out of my mind "don't worry I'm going to protect you and if they try anything the last thing they will see is my knife sliding into their heart" I thought it was funny and so I giggled a little. "Sure I'll go and live with you at the mansion" I said. E.J. looked happy he then waited for me to pack up. When I was done I tapped him on the shoulder he then picked me up, jumped out the window, and started walking into the woods towards the mansion. I held onto him tightly as he was walking but soon I fell asleep. When I woke up I was in a bed all I heard was people talking. I looked around the room and saw blood on some clothing and dark blue hoodies on the floor so I guessed I was at the mansion but I didn't know what room. I decided to open the door and when I did I saw three people fall to my feet. I jumped so they didn't fall on top of me. They all got up and one of them held out there hand. "Hi i-i'm ticci toby" Toby said with a tic. I looked him in the face then said "OMG! Toby! Toby Rogers?! I know who you are I read a lot about you in stories online!" A dirty blonde haired boy who looked like the demonic version of link just scoffed and looked almost jealous about me talking to Toby. "And I know who you are" Pointing at the demonic elf "you're BEN DROWNED the perverted teenage boy that liked to seduce girls for fun" He just stared at me in shock and also fear. "Damn bro she got you good HAHA!" Said the long, black haired boy "and you're jeff the psychotic killer that killed his family! You're literally one of my favorite pastas I look up to you so much!" Jeff stared at me and scoffed "why would you look up to me" Jeff said "I don't know I just thought it was cool that you went insane and killed your family I also kinda cosplayed as you" I said "why is Jeff getting all the attention!" "Because I'm better then you in every way shape and form" Jeff said to BEN. BEN got mad and left. "Uhm so who's room in this?" I said "y-you don't know? I-it's E.J.'s" Said Toby while Jeff was walking out to go find BEN "oh could you actually help me find him" "S-sure thing" Toby said while grabbing my wrist and taking me to E.J. we got to the kitchen and I saw E.J. eating kidneys I thought it was so cute seeing him eat. "Hey E-E.J. someone wanted you" Toby said while letting go of my hand and giving me to E.J. "thanks Toby" Eyeless jack said. E.J. took me and put me on his lap "so what did you need?" He said with almost a smirk on his face "I-i just wanted to see you" I said while blushing "I can see you're blushing heh heh" E.J. said he then started biting and sucking on my neck making hickeys all over it. I tried to cover my mouth with my hand so my moans wouldn't come out but E.J. kept trying to take my hand off. E.J. ended up stopping after a minute or so and started to carry me to his room. I could already tell what was gonna happen so I started blushing madly. Once we got to his room Eyeless jack threw me on the bed and got on top of me. I then felt a pair of soft lips smack against mine. E.J. started kissing me and licked my bottom lip begging for a entrance but I did allow him just to tease him a little but he disliked it and squeezed my boob making me gasp he took the chance and entered my mouth. After a while of making out E.J. broke the kiss and started to kiss, lick, and bite my neck making me moan. He took my shirt off and started playing with my boobs while biting and licking my neck but then the door opened "Hey E.J. slender- oh uhhh.. I-i'll just tell you later!" Jeff said he then slammed the door closed and walked away. E.J. then got up and said "Ugh I'll be back soon..hopefully bye baby don't miss me too much" With a smirk and a wink I was kinda disappointed since I was starting to get in the mood but oh well.

Midnight lover Eyeless Jack x Yuki Itsu (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now