Retiring and Growing Old

Start from the beginning

Just like the Defender-general of the State, Xu Shi, who was still the most important person in the Tang military even though he had coughed for decades. No one could replace him as he was well-respected by others and was trusted by the Emperor.

Xia Hou coughed again freely and unrestrainedly. Perhaps it was because he did not care anymore since he would be stripped of his armor after entering Chang’an tomorrow.

The captain standing outside the inn looked at the general’s strong and large stature. He listened to the coughing and worried flashed on his face. The general was still powerful to him, but he had witnessed the fights between the general and the powerhouse from the Devil’s Doctrine in the Wilderness and was thus worried.

It was at this moment when the ground outside the walls of the inn began to tremble. Neither the respectful servant in the inn nor Xia Hou’s soldiers noticed it.

Xia Hou might be a powerhouse in the peak state of Martial Arts and was the strongest and most frightening man on earth, but he wasn’t a god. His cough couldn’t make the earth shake.

He quietly watched Chang’an City as the sun set, and then, turned to enter the inn.

Someone was waiting for him in the room.

It was a tall large man who was at least half a head taller than Xia Hou. He looked respectful and stood tall and straight like an indestructible mountain.

The man wore a cloth shirt. His armor could be seen beneath the thin cloth, and the aura from the Talisman inscription exuded from beneath the cloth.

Xia Hou was evidently shorter than the hulking man, but it felt as if he was bulkier and stronger than him. He did not have to raise his head to look up at the man.

“If someone saw that Luo Kedi, the commander of the West-Hill Divine Palace’s divine army had appeared at the closest inn to Chang’an city, they would definitely think that this is a challenge against the Tang Empire.”

He looked at the man coldly and said, “I know that you are a prideful person, but do you really think that the Tang Imperial Center Administration doesn’t have any aces? There are at least ten people who could kill you with ease in the Chang’an City behind us. You are seeking death by appearing before me now.”

Luo Kedi said, “Since I dared to come, I am of course unafraid of death. To me, General Xia Hou’s return to Chang’an feels more like you’re seeking death. Do you think you can come out of there alive?”

Xia Hou’s expression did not change. He said placidly, “Your position within the Divine Hall could garner respect from small countries like South Jin, Song and Yue Kingdom. However, outside of Chang’an and to me, you are but just a dog raised by the hierarch. What right do you have to speak to me with that tone?”

A flash of anger glinted in Luo Kedi’s eyes which he forcibly repressed. He said with a cold laugh, “I admit that I am the Hierarch Lord’s dog. But you are just a lion reared by Haotian. You still intend to return to Chang’an even though you have lost your spirit. Do you really want to make your enemies happy?”

Xia Hou bellowed, “This is an agreement between the Academy and myself. Who would dare to interfere with it? Not even your master could!”

“The Divine Hall would love to see General Xia Hou enjoying his peaceful golden years. However, are you really willing to do so?”

Luo Kedi handed him a letter that had a fire Fu character on it and said, “This is a holograph from the Hierarch Lord. He wants to invite you to West-Hill… no, back to West-Hill.”

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