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Choi Lia's Pov

What's Love? Me,myself don't know or feel love at all..

I mean, Even my parents, I don't know what love is,

I grew up in my grandfather with his step wife, Both of my parents are gone and left me with an old man

Who doesn't even give a damn! About me

I luckily passed all my missions

To finished my school, To achieve my dream as a Doctor

But in all my years, neither did feel love

I was neglected in my family's name

Because I was a disgrace,

Because if it wasn't for me...

The Choi's will still be complete

My Mom is the mistress...

And if it wasn't for me, My Dad should have stayed with her

I lived my life in sorrow

And everyone call me the Dark Lady of Choi's  Hospital...

Author's Pov

Lia was on leave of her work as the Head of Choi's Hospital, she worked hard just to have a hospital on her own

Every staff she had is afraid of her and no one shall ever dared to look at her in the eye for too long

They feared that maybe their boss may not find love at all

But even how they feared her, they knew her pain and tried to understand her

But she isn't harsh on them, she just had cold looks and Cold eyes that's what her staffs feared her

And now, in the midst of Explaining, Lia found her self in the park

She smiled at the sight, and to all people who saw her was shock

They never had seen her smile even once

"Lia Unnie!!"

Lia heard someone called her, she turned and frowned at the sight

"Chaeryoung-ah"She said with no emotion or something

"'Aish... Stop with your coldness, were friends!!" Chaeryoung said and smiled

"'Aish...How did I find myself friends with you?" Lia ask her as she pouted

"'Aish..I heard there's a new bakeshop just opened! Lets Go there right now!"Chaeryoung said as she drag the Cold girl to the bakeshop

Since Lia is short and small, while Chaeryoung is tall and bigger than her, so she just let her drag her

"Where are we going exactly?"She ask the younger

"We're meeting my fiancé, and it's his friend who is opening the bakeshop"She explain as Lia just sighed at her remarks

"But promise me that we won't take long?"Lia ask the Younger "unnie, I know your on leave, Yejin unnie told me"She replied to the older

"'Aish...Fine"Lia sighed in defeat as Chaeryoung smiled because she just made Lia agreed to come with her

Actually, they are going to meet the owner which Chaeryoung wanted to meet so bad, That's Why her fiancé told her to meet in the bakeshop

And she just wanted to bring her unnie, so that she can relieve her stress in her hospital...She knows her past..


Lia was startled at the sudden outburst of the younger as she saw her fiancé at the entrance of the Bakeshop

"Chaeryoungie, he's younger than you"Lia scolded the younger but she just ignored her as Lia rolled her eyes..

"Jagi!!!"Her Fiancé said as Lia rolled her eyes of bitterness

"Lia unnie,your so bitter"Chaeryoung said as she sighed

"Lets get this over with"Lia said as they entered the Bakeshop..


Taehyun yelled, as Lia was startled of the outburst again,

They sure a couple alright

She thought as she rolled her eyes..

"Annyeong Soobin Oppa!!"Chaeryoung greeted as she smiled at the man at the cashier

Well he is handsome, Lia can't lie herself

"Annyeong Chae, And congratulations on your engagement!"The man named Soobin said and smiled

"Gomawo!!And can we have the best bread that you offer for us three?"She ask him as he nod and got the most expensive bread he can offer

"Kamsamida!Lia unnie, Gaja"Chaeryoung said as she drag the older to the best table they had

"So, When is the wedding?"Lia asked as she ate her bread in a fancy way

"We havent decided what day it is, but we are starting to plan"The younger said

"Plan now, so that I can reserved that week" Lia said as they smiled

"Arraseo, And we will tell you the details tomorrow"Chaeryoung said as they smiled

And in the midst of talking Lia's Phone Rang indicating someone is calling her

"Doctor Kim?"


Lia's words made the Couple nervous

"Arraseo, I will be coming over"

"Right now! And you all need to prepare the tools, we don't need to waste time"

Lia last said as she ended the call and prepared her things

"Guys, I have to go, a patient is nearly dying, and we need to save her, sorry for the inconvenience"She said and left the couple at the Bakeshop

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