"He paid you," she interrupted in an indignant tone not meant for the man standing in front of her. "Why am I even a smidgen surprised? My father will do anything to maintain control."

"Honey, you must realize what he did will help people. I'm so close to making this device work and when it does, when I can get it approved, it will help so many people someday. It can save lives!"

Rising to her feet, Skylar briefly touched his cheek. "And I'll hope and pray that it does, but that doesn't excuse my father for purchasing a husband for me."

One hand pulled from his pocket, Brad held hers. "Despite the reason I proposed, I do love you."

"I'm gay." She hadn't meant to blurt it out, but now that she had, Skylar now fully understood the phrase 'a weight off your shoulders'. I'm...gay. G-A-Y, gay! What an amazing relief to finally admit it to herself and someone else.

"Gay?" Brad softly repeated. "You mean...like a lesbian?" When Skylar confirmed with a wordless nod, he scrubbed a hand over his face. "Wow...okay. I...I guess that's why you couldn't respond to me. Uh, have you been with..."

"Have I slept with another woman?"


"I have." She held up an index finger. "One woman."

"Are you in love with her?"

"What are you talking about, Bradley?"

Affected by different amounts of anxiety, both turned toward the door where Dr. Weston Whitney stood, filling up the majority of the door frame. Scowling, he walked further inside the dressing room while repeating his question, hardened eyes trained on the man who was supposed to become his son-in-law today.

Both Whitney's heard Brad's gulp as he prepared to speak. Unfortunately, glancing toward Skylar, he wasn't certain what to reveal. She must have sensed his hesitance, as she stood up to speak.

"Brad and I aren't getting married. I broke it off, because I've recently come to the realization that I'm..." With a pounding heart and sweat dampened palms, Skylar inwardly encouraged herself to just verbalize the simple three letter word. This is your chance to snip the rest of those strings. Appearing to stand taller, Skylar finally located her courage. "Dad, I'm gay."

Teeth clenching and unclenching, Weston stared at his daughter while speaking to the other man, "Please leave us, Bradley."

Evidently, finding a dollop of his own courage, the younger doctor refused to comply. Instead, he moved next to Skylar and laced his fingers with her own, his handsome face sincere and gentle as he gazed toward her. When Weston suggested he leave in a tone bordering on being impolite, Skylar squeezed his hand.

"It's okay, Brad. You can go." He obviously wasn't convinced. "Really. I'm fine. My dad and I should talk."

Letting go of her hand, Brad placed his palm against one of her cheeks while pressing his cheek against the other. "I'm sorry," he earnestly whispered. "Please be happy." A kiss to her cheek and he left without even so much as a glance in Weston's direction.

"What disgusting thing did you just say to me?"

"Being gay doesn't make a person disgusting." Her father approached so quickly that she didn't have time to shield herself or duck when a large thick hand flew toward her face. Although maintaining her balance, Skylar swore that she could view stars floating around her head while a stinging pain radiated up and down the left side of her face. Tears sprang to her eyes, yet she blinked them away. Upon doing so, she noticed a finger shaking in front of her.

Romance In Aisle 12 (lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now