Moving to the hidden world.

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Author's note: this takes place after Romantic Flight.

Back at the colony, Reaper and Scorpia gathered all the deathgrippers to the mating assembly where Reaper would be the king of the colony. Reaper initiated the courtship ritual dance thing. Scorpia danced alongside her mate. This is it for Reaper. The big moment. He was the king of the colony. 

"Let's go back to the hidden world." Reaper offered. "I quite like it there."

"What about the colony?" Scorpia asked.

"How about that poise fellow?" Reaper suggested. "Could he rule the colony?"

"Poise, come here." Scorpia asked.

"What?" Poise responded.

"You will be the new king of this colony from here on out." Scorpia told her former underling. "Me and Reaper are moving". 

"Why? Can't you take us with?" Poise asked.

"No, I can't. We're moving to the hidden world and it would be better if it were just me and Reaper. There aren't enough dying dragons to support all of us." 

"Come on my love!" Reaper called from across the colony. 

"Ok. Let me finish the ritual!" Scorpia shot back. Patience man, patience. You're just like my old friend.  Oh right.

A few days later.

Scorpia gave Poise the training to rule the colony. Now the duo were ready to move to the hidden world. 

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