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A/N - Clay = Dream

Thinking back on it, he should have realized his feelings for George much earlier. Tiny things that he thought were simply best friend moments, but were so much more.  So many times he felt heat rush to his cheeks from hearing George laugh, or seeing a text late at night. Sometimes he felt a burst of excitement and nerves before recording a video, because he liked hanging out with his friend. George was just a friend. A best friend, but nothing more than that.

That was all it was.


But as he thought about George more, Clay felt his feelings change. One day he stuck a sticky note on his head with a doodle of his profile character and the words bruh moment. It was incredibly stupid and there was no reason for it. There was no reason for Clay to send this dumb, weird picture of him smiling with the sticky note on his forehead covering his eyes. But it was all worth it for George's response, a picture of George with his own sticky note on his forehead. He was wearing white sunglasses like his Minecraft skin. His sticky note just read bruh but he was clearly laughing in the picture. It was one dumb random interaction but it made all the difference.

Clay liked George.


woo yeah first real chapter. they'll get longer the more I write, so get ready

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