Chapter 4: Kyle (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Then don't ever leave me again." He counter back and wrapped his arms around my waist tightening them in the process. It was my turn to laugh. But, I quickly nodded.

"Deal!" The door banged open and My eyes shot open. I looked over towards the doorway and there stood a pretty girl with hair as dark as coal, beautiful brown eyes a spitting image of Cole!

"Alpha!" She cried. Leo eyes had went from a death glare, to caring.

"Christina, what is it?" He asked. His voice filled with worried as he looked over the state of her. Her eyes were red and swollen like she had been crying. The knees of her pants were dirty like she had fallen over a few times on her way here. She looked genuinely distraught. He moved out of my arms and over to the girl.

"Peter! He's.. Something's wrong!" She cried as she pointed out the door. "Cole told me to tell you to meet him at the lake." She informed him. Leo looked towards the door then back at her. Something had seemed to click in his head because he was out the door without a word.

"Leo!" I called after him. I took the girl's hand and set off after him. I knew where the lake was so it didn't take me anytime to get there right after Leo. I had came to a halt when I saw he was staring down at something.

I let go of the girl's hand and she ran over and whatever was there it had her gasping and placing her hand over her mouth. I walked closer and saw the back of Cole he was floating a little way out in the lake from the edge. He was holding something or more like someone. He was holding the person like they were the most fragile thing on this earth and if he moved one inch they brake and fade away. The person just so happen to be Peter! The guy from all those years ago. When I see his face it was similar to that girl's face.. Just looking at him might bring back memories I didn't want to quite remember. A small splashing noise caught my attention next and I wrinkled my noise as I looked over Leo's shoulder and saw tail... A mermaid's tale..

After the commotion at the lake Peter was brought to the pack care center, or doctor.. Which ever. Leo was busy making sure he was okay. His job as the alpha of course! So I stepped out of the way. I totally understood. But, I hated that our time was ruin together. I guess we still have tonight though.

Night had already graced us with its presents and there was still one more person that I hadn't got to see yet! I couldn't believe I wasted so much time and night had caught me, but I was still as determine to go see him as I was earlier. I think I had missed him more then I missed Leo. But, where did Eddy exactly live.

I walked down the streets looking around for anyone. The streets were completely bare, so it must had been later then I excepted. When I notice a pack guard coming down the street a smile broke across my face. I quickly sprinted towards him. He seemed caught off guard as I stopped in front of him, but he still greeted me with a warm smile.

"Hello. I was wondering if you can point me in the direction to the Beta's house." The guard nodded then turned around and pointed to the only lime green house on the street. Of course Eddy's favorite color! He always said if he owned his own house one day he'd paint it lime green. I shook my head and smiled, I thanked the guard and took off down the street towards the house. As I got closer I notice a 2014 dodge truck, four door in the drive way. So someone was home. Also the lights were on. The lime green house sat up high but it defiantly wasn't a two story it was just really wide and sat at a height where you needed to climb stairs to get on the porch. There were big bay windows surrounding the house. With white see through curtains. The window off the side of the house kinda sat out a little bit which look like there was a window seat. It show a good view of Eddy's living room.

I slowed down to a brisk walk as I got in front of The house. I smiled as I opened the white picket fence gate. So cliché. I hurried up the walk way then the stairs to the porch. My heart was beating so fast that I was taking long deep breaths. My palms were so sweaty that I had started to wipe them against the side of my jeans. I didn't want to hug Eddy with sweaty palms. When I got up to the door I took a deep breath before raising my hand to knock.. But, right when I went to.. I heard Eddy's voice.

"Your being ridiculous." I heard him yell. Then the sound of a door slamming causing the front door to rattle, ending the racket with the sound of something braking. I frowned. Did I come at a bad time maybe? I lowered my hand back to my side.

"Maybe I should come back tomorrow." I murmured to myself. I wanted to leave but my feet weren't cooperating. I missed Eddy so much. I always wondered if he has been okay with me not being here if he needed someone to talk to. If he needed a shoulder to cry on. Whatever was going in there now, it seemed like this was the perfect time for me to show up. I took in a deep breath and let it out once again. I raised my hand to knock, but notice there was a doorbell so decided to ring that. I pressed it once. When I got no answer, I ranged it again.

"I'm coming." I heard him yell sounding completely annoyed. A smile broke across my face. It seems like he still hasn't changed. Knowing he was already annoyed I decided to fuel the fire just a little more. I mean he wont be all upset when he sees his best friend who's been away for a few years. Right? This time I raised both of my hands and knock a terrible beat on the door.

The door few open and hit back against the wall hard. I couldn't help but smile big when my eyes landed on him. His eyes widen as they landed on me. "Did I come at a bad time?" I asked as I looked past him into his house and saw a broken picture on his floor, I ignored that and focused my attention back on him. The smile never leaving my face. He didn't answer or move only managing to give me a slight shake of his head. My smile soften as I realize he was in shock. "So, Eddy. How have you been?" I asked him softly. He let out a deep I didn't know he was holding and took a step forward towards me.

"Kyle?" I laughed at how he asked my name, like he couldn't believe it was me. I nodded my head quickly.

"Yeah man. It's me." I assured him. I couldn't hold back anymore I throw my arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. He quickly hugged back.

"Kyle?" He asked again, just to make sure once again. Knowing Eddy he was probably thinking this was a dream or someone's idea of a really bad joke. So to ease his mind, I answered him once more. I laughed softly.

"Yeah Eddy. It's me."



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