The last Letter

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As soon as I went in. I was engulfed in a warm hug by Jamie. I was so happy to see her.

Her first question: “Why are you here? What again happened to you baby? Don’t worry. I am here.”

I smiled on hearing her questions not giving me a chance to speak. After an hour, I bade farewell to Mom and dad and Avery. Suddenly Avery pulled me aside.

“What happened, Avery?” I asked.

“Take this. Its for you. Just keep it with yourself. I know you are strong. Stronger than anyone. And I have full faith in you that you won’t give up easily. When u will wake up, I am always there for you. Always. I love you.”
And after saying this, she handed me a stuff panda which I knew she got it on her first birthday from dad and it was very dear to her.

My eyes suddenly filled with tears and I knew this was not going to be easy. But I said with a soft tone, “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. And I promise that I won’t give up. Just stay with me. Okay?”

Even though I knew nothing was okay and I was not fine… I made the promise.
Avery replied with a smile while her soft cheeks were already wet with tears, “Always.”

And she left.

When watching her go away, I don’t know why but an urge came to call her back. To just be with her. Like the old times. I felt that something was going to be wrong. Some danger was waiting for me just around the corner of my journey.

I trusted my instincts and I guess I did my biggest mistake. Ever.

Avery Died.

She died the next day. My elder sister who was my personal diary, who was my other half died.

I wasn’t crying.
No tears were coming. Only that pain and emptiness in my heart. I was feeling numb with not even a single thought. I was just sitting on the window sill under the thousands of stars which were glittering in the night sky. Why are the stars even shining? Why are people still enjoying? Whi is the world even colourful? Avery has died. And its like a part of me has died. I couldn’t talk to anyone for days. I just stayed inside the confined room of the hospital.
Do you know how she died?
She went for an interview in the art academy. On her wayback home, she decided to try out sky diving. But unfortunately her dream came alive and on the other hand, she died.  The rusted joint of the structure fell open and her parachute was stuck. She plummeted to her… dd…death.
Was she hurt? I was not there to be with her, when she needed me. She was always there for me when I needed her. And I let her down. Like the ususal. I got sick and for my shitty lungs couldn’t save my sister.

After one week.

Someone knocks on the door, I don’t feel like communicating with people but eventually after much of knocking, I open the door.

And there was my mom standing. She looked as if she had not eaten and slept for a week. It seemed to me that her hair had turned white in a week. She looked like the dead from the underworld. I hate for the comparison but that’s how she exactly looked.

I couldn’t see her liked this. I must ask Aver… ohh!

She is gone.

And then it suddenly hit me. That I won’t be able to see her again. That I won’t anymore have those warm hugs. She said she would be with me forever. But she lied to me at the end. She left me alone in this universe.
And then the tears started. I was like a child crying uncontrollably. Jamie came rushing in. My mom and Jamie tried their best to calm me down. On the other hand, as horribly as I was crying, it was getting difficult for me to breath.

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