Kidnapped... Again

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   A/N It's been half a month. Sonic, Shadow, Silver, and Zhadow had to battle Eggman off for awhile. They're making their way to come after Scourge now..

                     Zonic's P.O.V.

        He stays out late most nights. It doesn't really bother me. But it does hurt a little.. I must admit. I live him..but I don't believe I trust him.. Not that I'd tell him though... He'd hate me if I told him that.. I do love him. I always will...but my truth in him isn't strong. He could be scheming me for all I know..

I looked at the clock on top of the tv. It's eleven twenty. I never wait later. I sighed as I walked to the bedroom and laid on our bed. The lights had been out. I had to touched the wall and hold my hands out in front of me just to get to the bed.

I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep. But.. This strange feeling kept telling me I wasn't alone in the room. I sat up. Last time I didn't trust my instincts I got kidnapped. "Whose th- humph!!" Someone held me down. A rag smothered my mouth and nose.

My vision started to fade away. Shit..

                         Silver's PO.V.

  I held Scourge down as Shadow held a drugged rag to his mouth and nose. Sonic and Zhadow forced him into a big bag. Shadow carried the bag and we all left.

We got him! So..Why do I feel like we messed up somehow..?

                   Zhadow's P.O.V.

     FINALLY!! Now my Silver and I can go home!

Shadow left without another word. Sonic began opening the bag. "Well well look who it- HUH!?!" I gasped as I ran to his side. "Zonic!?" Zonic slowly opened his eyes. "Zhadow?" I gasped. "Zonic!? But.."

Silver sighed. "I had a feeling we screwed something up.." Sonic huffed as I helped my friend to his feet. "Are you ok? Did he do anything to you? Do you know where he is?"

                      Zonic's P.O.V.

Why did they take me like that? "Did you guys believe I was Scourge or something?" They all groaned in irritation. Silver rested a hand on my shoulder. "Sorry about this sir." I shook my head. "You can call be Zonic.. I told you that before."

He smiled at me and backed away from me. " you know where Scourge is?" I sighed. "No.. He leaves like almos-" I stopped.

They can't know about Scourge and me. Come to think of it.. If they catch Scourge. They'll take him back! And me.. I actually enjoy my life here. No work. I can watch all the tv and read all I want. I also found something called anime on Netflix. I'm watching something called Black Butler. It's awesome!!

"Um... I'm really exhausted guys.. Can we check the house tomorrow?" Sonic shuffled his feet. "Yeah.. That's cool. I'm not picky. Anyway i'm hungry, Tails!" Tails hollered back from his room. "Make it yourself i'm trying to sleep!" Sonic chuckled. "He's sweet until you desturb the beast's slumber."

Silver laughed. "C'mon Zhadow. Let's get out of here and get some sleep." Zhadow grabbed his hand and left. They seem awfully close.

I turned toward Sonic. "Um.. Where can I sleep?" He lead me to a room that only had a bed and dresser. "Thanks." Sonic smiled. "No prob. Just get some sleep."

After two hours of sitting on the bed. I opened the bedroom window and jumped out. I landed on my feet and ran. I left the house before. I know where it is. I mean.. I have found a love for running.

I gotta warn Scourge.. and then we have to leave. I stopped a foot in front of the house. The door was open and I heard crying. I ran in the house and followed the cries. It was coming from our bedroom. I saw Scourge kneeling on the floor with his head on the bed.

I ran over to him and pulled him into a big hug. He gasped, but hugged back. "I thought you left me because I leave most nights.. Because you can't stand me anymore." I kissed his wet cheek and helped him to his feet. " Are you kidding? I rather put up with you than anyone else. I'd never leave you." He smiled up at me. "Where'd you go?"

I sighed as I began telling him about Zhadow and the others capturing me. Also about how they thought I was him.

"Scourge we need to leave." Scourge nodded. "Ok babe. Let's go.. I knew something like this would happen. So I had a friend help get another hideout ready."

I smiled. I have no idea why. I guess love did this to a person. I kissed his cheek. "You lead and I'll follow..."

                      Silver's P.O.V.

I didn't bother opening my eyes. This pillow was soo soft! And warm.. and..breathing!? I opened my eyes and saw chest fur under my head. My eyes wondered up to Zhadow's eyes. I blushed as our eyes met.

"Good mourning Zhadow." He pulled me closer. "Mourning lov-.. Silver. You ready to get out of bed?" I smiled real big. He wanted to call me love!

I hugged him tighter. "Yeah. Let's go."

                   Scourge's P.O.V.

I looked around the hotel room. The room was small. I laid down on my back.

This is all my fault... I'm the one who went out late at night. Or just didn't bother keeping an eye on that Silver guy. Weird kid...he should really get a haircut. (You asshole! >X( Silver is awesome!!)

I sighed. Zonic came out of the bathroom with slightly wet quills. "Hey babe." He laid next to me on his own back. He looked up at the ceiling. "You worried?" I whimpered slightly. "Yeah.."

I laid my head on his chest and cuddled close to him. "I'm sorry babe.. How in the world do you put up with me?" He gently stroked my quills. "I love you too much to give up." He kissed my forhead.

                      Zhadow's P.O.V.

Why did Zonic run away? Or did Scourge come kidnap him again?

Whatever the answer.. We're coming for that green slime.

                       A/N .... :(

Sorry if this seems a bit rushed.. I've just been going through alot... Also i'm moving and if my mom doesn't get internet I won't be on here for a long time... :(   Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this anyway!

Later homies~ ^_^

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