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Start from the beginning

If you are a four, you are allowed to be a farmer and have a spot in the food company where you grow crops and sell them. Sadly for them however they don't get to much profit from it.

If you a five, such as ourselves, the only job you can get is a Job as a entertainer in bars like singing or dancing and a job to provide service in a brothel.

That's one route I refuse to take. I don't think singing and dancing in a bar full of drunk old men is safe and I don't think working in a brothel is the most pleasant job either. Therefore I turned to street performances and sing in public with a hat out for money.

If you are a six you work as a servant. Not as a servant in the palace, but as a servant for other ranks. They are often seen polishing shoes along the side of the road and do jobs that others are too disgusted to do. The often work in farms and do all the dirty work such as dealing with fesses and picking weeds out of the fields.

They barely get enough to feed their families and often have to fast for days before they can even afford a loaf of bread that they have to split evenly between their members .

It's a really tough life style.

If you are a a seven , you work in construction, you are in charge of building new homes and given authority over the lowest and worst class to be.

An eight.

If you are a eight , your practically a slave. Eights are in charge of getting the materials that the workers need to build. Meaning that stone the workers use to build with were mined out of the mountains and all sorts of dangerous areas by eights.

The eights are treated like animals and get fed one sad excuse of a meal every twelve days. It's a very sick and corrupt system.

The sevens are in charge of the eights and treat them like shit. The make them carry heavy boulders on the backs and whip them if they aren't moving fast enough. A eights life span is incredibly short due to the conditions they live in. Barely any eights live over  fifty.

It's a really heartbreaking thing. And our good for nothing twos do nothing about it. Since it's not them who is suffering they turn a blind eyes to them and leave them in the "care" or the sevens.

Mom gets up from the table and returns with a pitcher of water. "Would it really kill you to sign?," she asks.

Actually, it could. You see , Athitin has a lot of enemies. Our biggest enemies are people called rebels. Rebels Luce underground and plot ways to wipe out the royals bloodline due to a grudge from mistreatment.

If they saw me doodling around with the prince what makes you think they won't put a sword through my chest.

Beside the danger of joining I also think about all of the reasons I have not to join the selection.

"(Y/N)," mom sighs.

"Think of your father, and how hard he works to give us shelter and put a roof over our heads. Don't you want to help him? Give him break?,"

My gaze shifts to my lap as I think about dad and how hard he works for us. He's out trying to make money six out of  sevens days in a week and doesn't come home during those times. He's sings and dances so much without a break that his throat is in terrible condition and his feet are horribly dis-figured. Of course I want to help him. And I will find a way to do so.

I know mom thinks I'm being unreasonable for  not wanting to sign but there are things for me. There are so may things that I love and will lose forever if I do sign . There are so many things in this word that I can bear to let go of

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