chapter 1: Welcome to Chernarus!

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I don't own Girlsfrontlines and DayZ standalone they belong to there owners!

Gnk base 7:20pm

"So what do we do about that huh?" The commander states.
Kalina looks at the commander funny and then shows him her tablet

"Well you see we could send in a team of some sorts see any make a F.O.B and go from there!"

The commander thinks for a moment and then speaks, "ok but Chernarus is a dead zone Kalina. Infected, bandits, and other ungodly types of horror"

Kalina then starts talking,"commander we don't know what Sangvis Ferry is doing there so we need to send a team in!"

The commander goes silent again he thinks for a moment and finally speaks
"ok ok we can send a team in and put up a F.O.B ok?"

"Ok commander!"

Chernarus, green mountain trading post 7:43pm

"So vasily what brings you here again!" The trader asks the man

"Nothing much honestly thought I'd stop by and buy some ammo and maybe stay the night here before heading to the airfield up from here" said the man named Vasily

"So what ammo you need" the trader says "we have a lot of ammo here for AKs, mosins, shotguns, even weapons that aren't from here like m4s, Ump-45s, and expensive ones like the 50bmg rounds!" Says the trader enthusiastically.

"Well bud I think you know what ammo I need"

"And what ammo is that huh Vasily?"

"Well my ammo for the Ak-74 and the TT-43"

The trader chuckles when he heard what Vasily said.

"Are you ever gonna trade out those guns of yours for something better like a m4 or a M1911"
Vasily chuckles too

"Well no....but maybe the TT-43 but my Ak, never gonna happen I've had this bad girl since the outbreak. Found it off some dead man"

"Special gun huh"

"Yah special, so anyways how much is it I need a refill on about everything"

"Well Vasily since you helped me before and an old friend I'll give it too you for free but the room you have too pay!"

" the ammunition free? I'll take that, so how much for one room?"

"About 3500"


Vasily hands the trader the money and decides to head outside he looks at the mostly night sky and remembers the war he had all those years ago. While watching the stars in the sky he overheard a conversation from some guards it seemed interesting enough so he listened.

"Have you heard about them?" one survivor said

"No who?" The other said

"Well if you listen to the rumors Sangvis Ferry are here and sooner or later Gnk gonna come here too"

"So another war don't we have enough shit to deal with around here!"

"Anyways be careful when going out there where the dead walk cause maybe it's not just them rummaging around there"

"Alright I'll be careful"

Vasily heard enough while walking to the buildings he thinks about what those guards said about sangvis ferry and GnK coming here. When Vasily got to the buildings he decided that this was enough for one night and to sleep

Next day closing in near North West Airfield (NWAF) 6:25am

Vasily was closing in on NWAF he woke up early in the morning hopefully catching some snipers camping in the towers or the hill. He would get some juicy gear off of them, but that day he heard something almost like a helicopter in the distance oh but it was a helo in the distance.

Same day closing near NWAF 6:30am

"Ok girls were closing in on the airfield, this should be a future F.O.B if you secure it" the pilot said
There were three GnK dolls in that helicopter an M1 garand, a BAR, and so the two would be ok an m4a1

M4 spoke up "ok girls we get in secure the Airfield and hold on till reinforcements come you ready?"

the two other t-dolls nodded. Even before they touched the ground the helo came under fire from a bandit in the radio tower. The three T-dolls ran to cover which was a destroyed btr-60

"Hey M1" m4 yelled "kill that son of a bitch!"

"Roger" m1 responded with

She peaked out of cover and aimed for the bandit she fired BANG! The bandit dropped dead. But the noise would attract other attention, infected

"Holy shit" BAR yelled "what the hell are those things!"

infected ran and stumbled towards them
"Bar just open fire goddamnit" m1 yelled

BAR opened fired killing them all
As quick as that was more came and the dolls were quickly surrounded. They had to get on the BTR-60 to evade them

"What the hell do we do m4" bar said

"Is it even right to kill them" m1 said with a worried face "there humans"

"Its ok guys we'll get through this alright" m4 said but she too was worried.

Suddenly gunfire was heard and infected dropped dead, the remaining ones got killed and a guy appeared.

(In cherno-russian) "put your goddamn hands up and down on the ground"

M4 tried to react, she tried to pull her sidearm to him but was shot. She fell off the tank M1 tried to help but the person was pointing his gun at them and any moves she could get killed.

Bang!! The bandits brain littered the ground in a sudden move he aimed his gun at the two t-dolls on the tank.

(English) "who the hell are you!" The man said said

"We're from Gnk our friends hurt please help" BAR pleaded

"Ok ok bring her over to those bunkers over there we'll see what we can do alright"
Both of the t-dolls nodded

The man spoke again "you guys...GnK and Sangvis Ferry should never have come here, cause Welcome to Chernarus your in Hell now and once your in you can't get out"

m1 looked at BAR "this is not going to be good" she whispered

Hey guys I hope you like this story. 1k words and my fingers are tired hehe so anyways good luck to you o7 (o7 too what that means it's a salute mostly associated with Warthunder :D)

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