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"Go to hell bitch" Jordan screamed.
"Where do you think I came from hun" I said with my raspy voice.
I've never wanted to cry harder but the tears just wouldn't fall.
Cry. Don't cry. Cry. Don't.

Jordan just stared at me.
Nothing in his eyes.
Devoid of the love I used to see till yesterday.

"Why the fuck won't you listen to me" he yelled.

I had to do something. Something drastic that would genuinely effect him.

The first thing I saw in front of me was his PS3.
This will end him.
I grabbed it and threw it outside the window. A loud crashing thud came and that's when I realized what I had done.

"I hate you" he shouted.

"I can't look at your face for another fucking second" saying this, I slapped him, for a chance of touching his skin for one last time and ran out of this hell of a place.

I put my earphones on and walked to the only place I knew except my house.

After I banged in Hayleys door five times, I was welcomed by a warm hug by my best friend. And seeing her face welcomed my tears to come.
And I broke down. I cried like I had never cried before. Literally.

This was a strange feeling. I could taste a few of them as they dropped down to the corner of my mouth.
It was like seasoned water. I liked it.

I managed to get out a few words in between my sobs "I hate him".

After one hot coffee, one blanket, one best friend and a million feelings, I felt better.

"So till now we have cleared that he's a jerk and we'll never ever ever forgive him" Hayley said.

"Yes hails thanks for the breef intro. We shouldn't have believed in the nerd and jock cliche stories and tried it out." The last two months flashes before my eyes as I continued,
"I should've listened to you when you said I'll end up being one of his flings"

I had felt pain before.
It was nothing like this.
As more tears fell, the more my heart broke.

"The worst part is I don't why the fuck he would cheat on me with the person I hate the most in the world when we were so happy." I sniffled as I remembered the night before.

Was I not enough?

Even in my new found crying state I had enough sense not to say that out loud to prevent Hailey from giving me a lecture on self love, probably the same one I gave her a week ago.

"Well you never told him to stop being friends with her maybe he thought you didn't care" she said.

"I didn't say anything because I didn't want to say who he could be friends with!"

"I swear to god I will beat his cheating ass so hard the next time I see him and I don't even have to open my mouth to do that"

The only good thing that came out of this relationship is that I'm not as socially awkward and introverted as Hailey anymore.

"UghI can't believe that jerk" She cursed under her breathe.

"So what did he say after you saw them?"

"Well I kind of started shouting the moment Olivia ran out of the place which was the second she saw me, but hails you know I can't control my anger!"

The silence continued and I spoke again.

"The fact that I didn't trust him or didn't let him explain made him really mad and shit so he freaked out like go to hell bitch" I mimicked him.

"Who even says that! And he did not have the right to get mad at me!!"

"Never mind, what's done is done. You won't do shit to him because he's officially out of our lives which was so much better without him in it. Let's talk about something else that doesn't end up with me having a headache and will to punch the living hell out of someone" I wiped all the salty drops off my face with the memories of the last few months.

"I've been waiting for you to say that" and as I saw her smile grow I remembered the past few hours before the disaster.

"I can't believe I forgot about the sat score because of that dipshit"

"How much" she asked with a grin which melted all my problems.

"Fifteen fifty" I whispered with a smile of my own.
"Same girl same" she said as she hugged me.

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