I Can't Help That I Love You! - Klaus

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Request: "Can I get an 'I can't help that I love you' fic with Kol or Klaus?"

Prompt: Getting into a heated argument with Klaus

Word Count: 1885

Warnings: Strong language, brief sexual suggestiveness, angst

Klaus never made it easy to be with him. Whether it be his need for power, to be feared, his insecurity making him feel like he has to push you away - it was a challenge to stay by his side. But you refused to give up on him. Every day you saw him growing, becoming less hateful. You'd like to think that you had something to do with that, too.

The day had started out fine. You made breakfast beside Elijah until Klaus joined you and dragged you back to bed to enjoy his own "breakfast." ;) It was a gorgeous day, so you and Rebekah decided to go shopping through the streets of New Orleans, enjoying the nice weather. Elijah and Klaus had "business" to attend to out of town but he promised that he would be back by nightfall. He left you with a chaste kiss and a sweet hug, worrying you momentarily about how dangerous this "business" was - but the look in his eye was reassuring.

You had your phone silenced as a way to enjoy your evening with Rebekah, you didn't want any distractions. You shopped from store to store, buying odds and ends but mostly enjoying each other's company. After shopping the sun had begun to set, so you went to a local cafe for a bite to eat before calling it a night. By the time that you had checked your phone, it had been hours since you'd seen Klaus. You hadn't quite expected him to be back yet, since "before nightfall" normally turned into "late that night." But sure enough, he had blown up your phone.

Klaus♥: 6 missed calls

Klaus♥: 9 new text messages

Klaus♥: 2 new voicemails

Elijah: 1 missed call

Elijah: 1 new voicemail

"Shit," You mutter aloud as you follow Rebekah up the stairs toward their dim-lit house.

"What is it?" She questions, glancing back at you as she leads the way, getting her keys out from her pocket.

"Klaus called me like ten times. He's gonna be furious." You say, beginning to type up a response to him as she opens the door.

"Well, you're right about that." You hear. Your head snaps up at the sound of his voice, eyes locking with his intense ones. He stands inside of the door, arms crossed, a very displeased expression on his handsome face.

Rebekah gives Klaus a look and begins to explain but he raises his hand, not even looking at her. "I would like to speak to Y/N, sister." Klaus states, his voice calm but his tone exposing his hurt and anger. She shoots you an apologetic look and heads inside around Klaus.

"Babe, I silenced my phone cuz I was enjoying myself with Bek. I didn't want distractions from a bunch of notifications, it was nice!" You begin to explain, taking a few small steps up toward him. He doesn't move nor say anything, so you sigh and scoot past him in the doorway, making your way up to your shared room. He tails behind you, and you can feel the atmosphere changing as you step.

"And what about me? What if you were in danger and I was trying to warn you?! Did you even think about that, Y/N?"

"I was with Rebekah." You respond as you walk into the room, not facing him as you begin emptying your bags.

"It doesn't matter! I need to be able to get a hold of you!" He raises his tone, not quite hollering at you, but clearly annoyed.

"Okay, Klaus. I won't do it again." You state, keeping your tone calm, despite how he is annoying you.

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