Ch.23 Parting Ways

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"Fine." He smiled and shook his head.

"Fine." I nodded and turned to go find our towel.

"Oh no you don't," Riggs was suddenly behind me and in a second I was slung over his shoulder.

"Put me down you ass!" I tried pushing myself off.

"Okay," Riggs smirked and dropped me into the cold water.

A scream erupted from my lips as the cold water surrounded me.

This mother fucker. I pushed myself to the surface and started gasping for air.

"You're a dick! It's cold!" I splashed water at the tall man in front of me.

"Well,come here then." He treaded in the water towards me.

"Never!" I squealed and swam backwards.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked, staring at the water.

"This will always be here. Our memories will always be here. The military? That will always here be. So will your spot." Riggs took my hands in his and messaged over the back of them.

"I'm not quitting." I began to pull away but he held tight.

"I'm not asking you to. It'll all be here when you're ready,Dylan. Don't rush the process." I stared at him in awe this time. No anger or hate.

"I am ready." I shook my head.

"You're not. And that's okay. It takes time." Riggs pulled me into a hug and I didn't reject it.

I took a deep breath and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Just,Dont push us away,D. We're here to help." He kissed my temple and pulled back.

"How do you do it?" I nodded at his wound. He had healed but the skin was now covered in scars.

"Do what?" He cocked an eyebrow at me.

Right not everyone is in my head with me.

"The wounds. You've been shot more times then I can count." I rubbed my arms, a habit now.

"I have my family. They help me back onto my feet," he smiled and looked at me,"You help me back onto my feet. You're the light to my dark." He winked.

I sighed, I needed to let the light in.

Riggs was my light.

"I'm scared,Riggs." I sat down on the sand. He claimed a spot next to me and slid his handed into mine.

"I'm scared of being taken again. I'm scared of fucking up and being forced home. I'm scared of losing you or Avery to some bullshit mission." I wiped my eyes.

"I won't let you be taken. That will never happen, not again. And that isn't your home. Me and Avery are. Where you go, we go." Riggs smiled.

"Exactly. Where you go, we go. Except now apparently fuck y'all for not inviting me on this adventure." Avery walked down the sand lined path.

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