Saving Nobunaga's Life

Start from the beginning

The man frowned when he looked at the temple before looking back at us.

"It seems I owe you my life. You have my thanks."

"Weirdo..." I mumbled to Rokuro.

"I know..."

Rokuro replied and then the woman from earlier spoke up.

"Who are you?"

"You three saved me and yet, you didn't know who I am?"

"Well duh, we're not from here," I spoke with a frown.

The man in armour glared at us but, I wasn't fazed by this and then Rokuro spoke up.

"You'll have excuse my boss's attitude, she's not used to meeting new people," Rokuro said to the man as he bowed politely. "But, if you don't mind telling us your name we'll introduce ourselves."

"Very well, I shall tell you. I am the lord of Azuchi Castle and Daiymo of Owari, Oda Nobunaga and I am the one who is going to unify this country."

We were surprised by this and then I started laughing at his joke.

"Okay, that's a good one. Now tell us your real name."

"What are you talking about? that is my real name."


"Um, boss..." Rokuro pointed out something and the sign said 'Honno-Ji Temple'. 

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me..." I mumbled quietly.

The woman from before pinched herself and she asked Nobunaga.

"Um, what year is this?"

"1582, why are you pinching yourself?"

" reason."

The woman mumbled before Nobunaga smirked at us.

"I've told you my name now, tell me yours."

I sighed a little and then I told him.

"Demanding much, fine, I'm Yamasaki Rei."

"Name's Rokuro."

"Mizusaki Mai."

Nobunaga smirked at us and he said to us.

"Interesting names you two but, what's with the strange animal markings on your bodies?"

Nobunaga pointed out when he saw the lion and wolf symbols. Mai looked confused at first until we saw fear in her eyes.

"No way! y-you two are-"

"Wow, it took you this long to work it out?" I spoke with a deadpan look on my face.

Mai looked at me in fear before hiding behind Nobunaga.

"What's the matter with you?" Nobunaga asked her before we heard someone shout.


Nobunaga looked at the newcomers and he said to him.


"I came on orders from Lord Hideyoshi. I am glad you're safe..."

Mitsunari looked at us and he asked him.

"Who is this woman? Isaw you two leaving Honno-Ji together but..."

"I don't know who they are but, they woke me up and saw me to safety."

"You saved Lord Nobunaga's life?! thank you so much."

"Don't even mention it," I spoke with a frown on my face which made Mitsunari and the other soldiers look at me nervously.

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