A Job Assignment Goes Wrong

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Tonight was the night, we were going raid the warehouse that Karou told us and we were gonna get the supplies to help our fellow homeless folk. Rokuro and I hid in the corner of the shadows and then Rokuro said to me.

"Looks like we've got guards outside the entrance."

"I can see that," I spoke with a small smile.

I pressed my fingers on the earpiece that I was wearing I spoke to Shiro.

"Shiro, do you and the other snipers got your eyes on them?"

"Oh yeah, don't worry, we'll make quick work with them once Zen makes his move."



Shiro drew back his arrow and then Zen snuck up behind one of the guards and then he took him out and then Shiro fired his arrow at the other which killed him instantly. Shiro looked around to make sure no one else heard that and he called Rei.

"All right, you guys are in the clear on the outside, we just need to wait for Karou and Koga to do their bit."

"Good work," Juro told him.

Inside the warehouse, Karou got her guns ready and she put the silencers on them so the noise didn't attract attention. Koga spun his blade and he caught the hilt.


"Always," Karou spoke with a smirk.

Koga and Karou leapt off the railing from the second floor and then they landed on the ground. The guards spotted them and then Karou fired her pistols and Koga used his chain-sickle on the guards and they managed to take them all down. Koga and Karou looked around to make sure there was no one else and then Koga spoke through the earpiece's mic.

"All right, the coast is clear, you can come in now."

"Rokuro and I are heading inside, Shiro, you and Zen keep an eye out."

"Yes Ma'am," Shiro and Zen spoke.

Rei, Rokuro and Juro came into the warehouse and they had their weapons at the ready. Rei looked around and she began to notice this job was becoming way too easy. 

"Guys, something doesn't feel right."

"I know, the guards went down way too easy. This would have been tougher if they put up more of a fight."

Rokuro agreed with Rei. As Koga and Rokuro examined the crates, Rei looked at the guards on the ground and when she shifted one of them over, she noticed there was a blank face on it and then she realised something.

"Oh crap!! it's a setup!!" Rei shouted.

Suddenly, the lights came on in the warehouse. Shiro spotted several vans of swat teams and several policemen. 

"Everyone!! there's police everywhere and they've got the place surrounded!"

"We know!"

"Now what do we do?" Shiro asked them until he spotted a few of the policemen climb onto the roof he was on.

"Oh shoot!!"

Shiro shouted before he grabbed three arrows and then he fired them at three of the police. They all collapsed onto the ground and the Shiro told Rei.

"Guys, I'm getting attacked up!"

"We can't help you! we're a little busy right now!" 

Rei told him before she drew her sword and struck down several policemen. Keiji came in at the right time and then he stabbed a few of the policemen with his swords. Juro looked around and then one of the snipers shot his leg. Juro shouted in pain and then he fell onto his knees.

The Seven Deadly Sins of The Sengoku (Ikemen Sengoku story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant