Chapter 1

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Hadley's POV

When I was 22 I got involved with Tony Stark as his sugar baby about 8 months or so was how long it last. Then about 2 months later Tony came back to me and told me he loved me and I told him I love him. Now Im 23 almost 24 and I have been with Tony for almost a year now.

"Every time I see you I fall even more in love with you." Tony says taking my hand into his.

"Well arent you sweet and by the way you didnt have to buy me another dress." I say.

"I know I dont have to be I want to

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"I know I dont have to be I want to. You are worth it." He says.

"Aww Tony. Your so cute." I say.

"No baby your so cute." He says and kissed my hand.

"Umm.... Dad, Ms.Hadley... You do remember Im here right?" Peter questions.

"Oh right sorry Kid." Tony says.

"Sorry Pete. So has your birthday been so far?" I ask.

"Its been good. So how the small amount of renovations at the cafe?" Peter asks.

"Well having Archie using his late dad's crew really help out makes it alot easier. You know people I trust to do a good job." I say.

"People I know can do a good job." Tony says in a mocking voice.

"What is your deal? If its Archie we arent going down that road again. He is my ex, he's engaged, he runs the company very well, and my dad and brother help him alot and they are apart of the crew helping. So dont start." I say.

Tony looked at me and smirked god he likes it when Im all riled up.

"Ummm... So are you really gonna live in the upstairs apartment. Arent you afraid Miss.Lacey is haunting it?" Peter asks.

"First off if she is then cool she would be a guardian angel. Second I dont believe in ghost. Lastly I feel really bad about Kevin though. I would ask him to live with me, but it a one bedroom." I say.

"Well then may be you should move in with me." Tony says.

Peter and I both looked at him he did not just say what I think he said.

"Umm... Ring Ring... Oh hey Ned. Sure I'll come over to play video games. Bye. Sorry Dad, Hadley I gotta go." Peter says.

He made a fake excuse and walked out. I looked back at Tony and tried to read his look.

"Tony what did you just say?" I ask.

"I said move in with me. With your dad and brother staying in your apartment while the renovation. You have been staying with me the last 5 months. So lets just make it official." Tony says.

"Tony, my dad and Brother and Archie have been working hard for me I cant not live in a place they are fixing for me." I say.

"Baby I get that I do. Hey you know what. Give it to Kevin. We own the place he can stay for free and work there for money." He says.

"Tony..." I say.

"I want to live with you. I love going to bed with you. I love sleeping beside you. I love cuddling and holding you close to me. I love waking up to you and for the last five months its been amazing getting all that with you. Though also the naughty things we do is good to... If you leave I'll be heartbroken. I love you baby, move in with me love." He says.

I tapped of my chin and looked over at him. He was looking at me and didnt look away.

"Can I please think about it?" I ask.

"Sure." He says kinda disappointed.

He didnt really talk much about the rest of dinner or on the way home. He was quiet occasionally grabbing my hand and kissing it. Once we got home I got changed into one of his shirts and he didnt even try to pull me onto him. We laid in silence and I had my hand on his chest. I ran my hand over his bread and then ran it through his hair.

"Tony, baby." I say.

"Yeah sweetheart?" He questions.

"Okay." I say.

"Okay what?" He asks.

"I'll move in with you." I say.

He lifts his head and looks at me with a smile on his face. He pulled me closer to him and pulled me onto his lap.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you too." I say.

I kissed him and he removed his shirt and then mine followed. I love this man.

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