Date night

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When a huge population of the world is following your love life it's hard to date. So I decided to be as private as possible with my relationship with Joe. Private. Not secret.

It's been three years since I started dating him. He is now not just my boyfriend but also my best friend.

I had booked a table at a restaurant and made sure everything was perfect. It was the month of February and the air was cold. The date was at five in the evening.

I wore a white high necked top and black jeans. I tied my hair in a side loose plait. I had not done my hair this way since a long time.

Helen knocked.

"What is it?"I said as I applied my lipstick. Dark red. Crimson.

"Mr Alwyn is here.", her voice came.

I smiled at myself in the mirror.

"I will be there soon."

I applied a little mascara.

I saw the two blazers lying on my bed. One dark brown. The other one white with dark green collars and few light green details.
I decided to go with the later.

I walked down the stairs and into the living room. Joe was sitting there. He stood up when he saw me. And within seconds my hands were wrapped around him.

As we parted from the hug he smiled at me.

We walked out and I got into his black car. He sat beside me in the backseat. We can't even go to a date alone sometimes!

As we walked into the restaurant the crisp air touched my face. My fingers were interwind with his. Although it was still light outside the lights were already on.

We sat opposite to each other at a table. And then smiled at each other.

A waiter came to our service. Before that Joe had leaned in to kiss me.

"So, what do you want?" He said.

We placed our orders. We were told it would take fifteen minutes.

We started to talk. About movies and songs. About our families and lives. About my cats. The economy. Politics. And about the upcoming weeding of my cousin.

"I wish you would come to Susan's weeding. I would feel so alone without you." I said when he said he wasn't sure if he would attend.

"Umm. I don't know. I want to. But I might have to visit someone that day."

"Okay we will talk about it later."

"Is she pregnant?" He said suddenly.


"Susan. Your sister. Cousin."

"Yes. How did you know?"

"I did not. I just felt like that. What with all the care and attention. And the weeding is small. Her boyfriend is always over even though they don't live together. Moreover she did not drink that night. Plus she is so so very young."

"You are quiet an observer. But she is not very young."

"Isn't she twenty four?"

"Twenty five next month."

"That is young, don't you think? What age is George, her boyfriend?"

"Same age. But I don't think that is too young."


The food arrived. Delicious smells filled my lungs.

"It looks delicious." Joe said.


"So, how are you?" He exhaled and gazed right into my eyes sending a shiver down my spine. The good kind. I don't know if anybody else feels like that but I do. And I can't really put it into words.

His eyes shined. They always do when he smiles. There is a sparkle. A twinkle. A thing that just captivates me and makes me feel oh so alive.

As the night passes we giggle, laugh and gossip and right when we were about to reach home Joe squeezed my hand in the back of the car.

"Umhh I think I will have to go to England. Um and it. It might be a while. I - I got a offer. And ... and I have some family th..things." he stammered.

"When?" I asked.

"In three days."

"Okay. For how long?"

"I am not quiet sure. Around three or four months perhaps."

The car stopped in front of my front gate and I bid goodbye to Joe who claimed he had some important work to do.

As I settled into bed that night, I stared at the picture of Joe with me and my mom on my phone walpapper. And suddenly it hit me that I loved him. A lot. And that he was the one I wanted for the rest of my life. Maybe it was just me who feels too much. But I belive in love, in magic and in fairytales. And I felt something enchanting with Joe, so much so that I could even pray for us to be together to any God that apparently exists.

Author's note: Publishing after a long time. Feel free to drop your thoughts in the comment section. I love you so much for reading this and even otherwise. #jaylor #taylorswiftislove  #swiftesarethebest


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