You Make Me Feel

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Kaylee watches Jason pace back and forth in the front entrance of Mort's mansion- panic rising in her chest. She adjusts her glasses on her face, the struggle not to snap at him to say something beginning to get to her. The sound of footsteps just kept poking and prodding at her because that was it- that was the only noise he was making. Sure, Jason was usually quiet- stoic even- but he still spoke when he was angry. But this, this silence felt like it was suffocating her. Nails digging into her palms, Kaylee finally stands up, her gaze focused solely on the man in front of her.

"Say something or get out." Jason turns and looks at her- a frantic look in his deep brown eyes, before he walks forwards. He grabs both sides of her face and just stares down at her. Her words... they just reminded him of how much power this woman had over him. She moved, he moved- it was terrifying. Jason was used to feeling... cold, hollow and alone but with Kaylee. Her smile filled him with warmth, her laugh brought back something in him and she- she made him feel like he was part of something. She made him feel and it fucking scared the shit out of him.

"You make me feel... you make me feel," He said, quietly, fiercely, "and I don't like it, Kaylee. I want it to stop. Now." Jason's thumbs stroke across Kaylee's cheeks and he watches as his words slowly sink in. He watches as her eyes begin to water and her jaw clenches. Jason Norwood watches as the woman in front of him begins to cut every tie she had with him.

"Say it again." Kaylee's voice was thick and hoarse, but her words still managed to take Jason by surprise. He couldn't say it again. He couldn't lie to her again. "Say it again." Kaylee grabs his wrists and move his hands from her face. She was going to push him away, he knew it, she was going to run from him.

"You can't. Can you?" Kaylee places a hand on his cheek, and he blinks in shock. Jason knew that Kaylee was unpredictable- that she was always surprising the people around her. Hell, the first time they'd met she had proven that.

Girl kills her own mother after years of abuse- Jason was expecting someone broken, someone small but instead he found Kaleigh O'Brian. Kaylee stood tall and refused to be seen as fragile in front of the court room. It's what first lured him in but what sunk him was seeing how she was still capable of love, compassion and happiness after it all.

"N-No..." Jason gulps and drops his gaze to the floor, but a small, freckled hand tilts his face back up. Blue eyes study his face and Jason struggles to understand what they were looking for. He struggled to understand what Kaylee saw in him. He struggled to see what anyone saw besides a fucking beast.

"You're not the only who's scared. I'm fucking terrified. The amount of times I've thought of packing it all up and fucking running," Kaylee lets out a small noise as she shakes her head, "but I haven't." Her smaller hands grasp his and give a gentle squeeze. He takes in a shaky breath as he tries to find words- but all he can think to do is something dangerous. Something risky.

Jason removes his left hand from hers and ignores the look of panic on her face, cupping the back of her head tenderly. His right hand trailed up her arm and slides to the small of her back before he pulls her close. Leaning down, Jason feels Kaylee's breath on his face- feels it hitch when she notices how close they are. Warm brown eyes stare down into an endless, icy blue and Jason seals his fate.

Jason kisses Kaylee. He kisses her and shows just how much he'd wanted to do it for the past three years. Jason finally lets himself feel something good. His own worries of Kaylee pulling away from him or rejecting him melt away when her hand tangles in his hair and deepens the kiss.

"FINALLY!" The sound of applause forces the two to pull away from one another- Jason practically jumping two feet back before he realizes it was just Mort. He narrows his eyes at his boss before he notices all of the others behind the other man. How long had they all been waiting for this? How obvious had he been?

"Took the two of you fucking long enough. Sweet Christ we thought we'd have to lock ya both in a room." Mort claps his hand on Jason's back as Kaylee covers her face with her hands. The blush showing on her ears gave her away and Jason couldn't help but smile.

"Maybe you should have, eh?" Jason nudges his friend before he wraps an arm around Kaylee's waist, pulling her close to him. She moves her hands and stares up at Jason as a smile grew across her face, before her gaze shifts to Kat.

"You owe Liza a twenty, Angel," Kaylee winks at her own best friend as she grabs Jason's hand. "now, if you'll excuse us. I'm going to lock us both in a room." Kaylee watches as the group in front of her gape- shocked to see her of all people joke about that. Jason, though, merely chuckles and allows himself to be dragged up the stairs.

Kaylee pauses for a moment once they're alone and turns to look at him.

"You make me feel too." She whispers before she grabs him by the tie and pulls him down- pressing her lips to his. The world melted away as they continued their way to her bedroom.

The two weren't seen until the day after- but it was obvious that something good had happened. Something had changed for the better between the two of them. Something, neither would change for the world. 

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