Part Three: The Nightmare

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Laura's POV.

I had trouble sleeping that night, everything being new and strange made me uneasy. Especially, what Mr. Logan said earlier.

"I know what it's like not to remember."

Those words kept repeating in my mind.

I yawn before I kick off the blankets onto the floor and rolled over repeatedly. I yawn again before I begin to fall asleep....

Wake up.

Get up.


Laura! Run!

Get back here!

Hello 23.

"STOP!" I wake up screaming. "NO! STOP IT! MR. LOGAN!" I scream.

Mr. Logan barges into my room with something I didn't expect to see. Coming from his knuckles, Mr. Logan had three silver claws.

I gasp from seeing the claws, crawl away from him, and fall of the bed. I feel tears gather into my eyes and hear myself say, "Ow.".

"Shit." I hear Mr. Logan mutter. There's a sound that sounds like metal slashing together, "You okay, kid?" Mr. Logan asks helping me up.

The claws were gone.

"I... I... think." I manage to say. "It was a... a nightmare."

The tears were now falling down my face causing me to immediately wipe them away.

"It's alright, kid." Mr. Logan hugs me. I hear footsteps causing Mr. Logan to get up, walk to the door, and close it. "Don't worry, Laura, I won't let the students see you like this."

I simply nod.

"So a nightmare huh? Can you tell me what happened?" Mr. Logan asks.

I hesitate, "All I saw was darkness, but what I heard was so vivid yet... scary. One was a male voice and it said, "Wake up. Get up. Get up you monster." Then there was a female voice... a motherly voice who said, "Laura run."... and the last voice was also female but was... intimidating. It said, "Hello 23."... I don't understand any of it." I say.

Mr. Logan is silent for a moment, "I'll tell the Professor, but, for right now, try to go back to sleep and I'll see you in the morning. Alright, kid?" he says.

"Alright." I say. "Goodnight, Mr. Logan."

Mr. Logan smirks, "Night, kid."

I immediately felt bad after Mr. Logan left because I didn't tell him the whole truth.

I did something.

A logo of some sort.

A skeleton head with six octopus-looking arms.

What could it mean? And why did that woman say '23'?

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