The soiled dove

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Chapter 2

Ive never seen her before. She looks so innocent, so perfect. I wonder what her sad story is, why she is here. I finish my meal and the guard leads me up to my room. I lay on my bed dreading every minute of my life. I can't handle it anymore. I can't take any more pain. I think of myself as disgusting. How am I suppose to survive if I cannot live with myself. I can't handle feeling dead, I may as well be dead.

The door is ripped open. "Missed me, I brought you a present" chuckles master. Just the sound of his voice makes me shiver. He signals to the guard. " I don't need anything you have to offer. " I say, angrily. "Oh, flower, are you sure that's true?" He gently strokes my cheek. I look away scared and regretting that I even spoke. He pulls me back and slaps me hard across the face. "Because I think you do need what I have, and you need me!" he knocks me onto the ground. I try to crawl away, tears now streaming down my face and my split lip. "I mean without me, where would you be now. You would be dead!" He yells while swinging in a hard kick. "I might as well be dead." I mutter under my breathe. He kicks me again hard in the ribs, clearly hearing.

"Good night Delphie, I think I will keep your present till morning and have a little fun with her tonight." He laughs and walks out the door. I lay curved over in in pain tears running down my beaten face, yelling at myself. I wish I were dead then there would be no more pain.

Someone knocks at the door. "You've got someone who wants to see you." Comes that familiar voice of the guard. I dry my tears and stand up as pain rushes through my limp body. Hopefully this is quick. I open the door to see a man about 18. I look into his eyes to see, if he realises coming to me is like selling his soul to the devil. But all I see is lust. I hate men who just look at me like an object, I hate myself for being that object. As long as I do my part and he does his, this should be quick.

It is, thank goodness. I feel disgusting, I feel... no I can't feel if I feel I will hurt and, I can't handle any more. I get up and walk over to my now cold bath. I wish water cold wash away the filth I'm covered in. Why can't I escape? What part of me is even mine anymore? I sell my soul and body to men, and master owns me and keeps me locked up. Am I even Delphie anymore or am I just "that harlot"?

I get into my night gown, and lay in my messed up bed. I don't want to feel anymore. I wish there was no more pain. I wish I were dead. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Where am I? I'm in a cage with my hands tied in front of me. There is a queue of men all with a knife in there hands. One enters my cage stabbing me deep, drawing a enough blood to fill small barrel, then he leaves. The next man enters and cuts my face causing a small amount of blood to fall. Some one screams behind me, it was a girl she has a key to free me. The guard had killed her. There is a path what the girl had been standing on and a voice in the distance calling my name saying I can be free.

I wake up suddenly, in shock and fear, it was just a dream. Or had it been something more can I be free? No! I can't have hope, hope will make me long for something that's not possible, leaving me dead when it doesn't happen. Besides, there is no one in this world anymore who cares for me, why would some one risk their life for me, a prostitute, a harlot! They wouldn't. Would they?

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