Con Day 1

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The Next Morning
I got up at 8:30 before my alarm that I set to wake me up at 9:20. So I decided to go to Starbucks and get coffee for Hannah and tea for me. As I walked out of our room I grabbed the key to the door off the table and stepped out into the hallway. When I stepped out into the hallway the door next to our room opened up. 'Shit I did not think I would see them so soon this morning.' I thought. I started making my way to the elevator. As I got a little further from my door I heard my name being called "Zenith hey how are you this morning?" I stopped and turned to see Liz an d Amanda coming down the hall way towards me. "Oh, Hi I'm good how are you guys today?" I said awkwardly looking down. "We are excited for the day ahead." Liz said. "Yeah same here." I said as the elevator got to the floor we were on and got into the elevator. "So where are you from?" Amanda asked curious. "We both are from Florida. it is like a 7-hour drive to here." I said looking at my phone we got down to the lobby and got off the elevator. 

We all headed to Starbucks for coffee and to get our badges for the con. "Hello how may I help you today?" the cashier said. "Can I get a venti iced chai tea latte and a venti caramel frappe." I said to her getting out my card. "Yeah sure that will be $9." she said as I had her my card. "Thanks" I said going to sit and wait for my drinks. "I can not believe I have met and are talking to my favorite cross players. I have to act like I don't really know them and try not to fangirl too much." I thought to myself. Amanda and Liz also order their drinks and came and sat down near me. After waiting a little bit they called our names out "Zen, Amanda, Liz." I got up and got my drinks as did Amanda and Liz.

I started to walk to where the elevators were at. "So what time are your panels?" Liz asked getting into the elevator with Amanda and me. "You do not talk too much do you?" Liz questioned. "No really I'm just nervous when I meet new people. I am also an introvert by Nature." I explained to them. "It's okay you don't have to be nervous around us." they said at the same time. As the elevator was approaching the fifth floor. "The panel today is at 2 and the other one is at 3 tomorrow. I would suggest you get there a little early they tend to fill up fast. That is if you guys decide to come." I said as we got to our rooms "Yeah definitely I want to see how you do your cosplays." Amanda said. "Ok see you later then." Liz said going into their room. "Yeah see you" I said embarrassed. 

 As I walked into my room I hear "Hey good morning" Hannah said while getting her camera ready for the day. "Here's your coffee." I said setting her drink down next to her.

I went to my cosplay bag and to get all the stuff I need for my cosplay ready for the day. I did my makeup for female Deku everyone on the panel was doing a school uniform version of mostly all of Class 1-A. I just finished putting on my stockings and skirt when there was a knock on the door. When I open the door I see Nikki, Rachel, Liz and Amanda standing outside in the hallway already in their cosplays. Amanda was cosplayed as the villian Shigaraki . While Liz was cosplaying as the villian Dabi. "Hey how are you? We wanted to see if you wanted to take pictures together before your panel?" Nikki asked as everyone in their group were waiting for my response "Sure let me just finish getting ready and  I'll meet you down in the lobby in fifteen minutes." I said to them. "Okay see you there then." Nikki said to me as I left so close the door and finish getting ready. The last thing I had to do now was get my wig on "This is going to be a pain in the butt." I said to myself while looking at the wig.

(This is what Zenith is wearing)

(This is what Zenith is wearing)

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