The Time Of The Doctor pt.2

Start from the beginning

"Well, it was the TARDIS that blew it up in the first place. I felt a degree of responsibility. But the scar tissue remains. A structural weakness in the whole universe."

"Whoa! And someone's trying to get through it from outside our universe, from somewhere else. Of course. Of course. It makes sense" the Doctor says.

"It does?"

"Yes. If you were trying to break through a wall, you'd choose the weakest spot. If you were trying to break into this universe, you'd choose this crack, because. No. If you were trying to break back into this universe" the Doctor and I look to Handles.

"You said Gallifrey. Why did you say Gallifrey?" I ask.

"Analysis of message composition indicates Gallifreyan origin, according to TARDIS databanks."

"You said Gallifrey was gone," Clara says.

"No. We said it was in another universe. The message is coming through here. The truth field is too, at a guess. If it's the Time Lords. If it's the Time Lords" I take a large round item from my pocket.

"Seal of the High Council of Gallifrey. Nicked it off the Master in the Death Zone. There is an algorithm imprinted in the atomic structure. Use it to decode the message" the Doctor puts the Seal on Handle's forehead.

"Message decoding. Message analysis proceeding. Information available. The message is a request for information."

"It's a question. Why can't you just say it's a question?" I ask.

"It is being projected through all of time and space on a repeating cycle."

"The oldest questions in the universe, hidden in plain sight," the Doctor says.

"Warning. Translation will be available to all lifeforms in range. Translation follows. Doctor and Seer who?" Handles starts talking in a slightly different voice each time "Doctor and Seer who? Doctor and Seer who? Doctor and Seer who? Doctor and Seer who? Doctor and Seer who? Doctor and Seer who?"    


"A question only we could answer. A truth field to make sure we're not lying. If we give our name, they'll know they've found the right place and that it's safe to come through" I say.

"The Time Lords? Ok, so what then? If you both answer the questions and they come back, what happens?" the Doctor gives Clara a short round device.

"Er, you need to take this to the TARDIS and put it in the charger slot for the sonic" the Doctor says.


"Hell. All hell, that's what happens if the Time Lords come back. There's half a universe up there already, waiting to open fire. Now please, go to the TARDIS and just do as we say" I say, Clara, runs.

"Doctor and Seer speak with me" Tasha's holographic face hangs large in the sky "Doctor! Seer! Face me now! Doctor! Seer!" the Doctor and I go up to the bell chamber above the clock face.

"Mother Superious, there is only one thing we need from you. This planet, what's it called?" I ask.

"Trenzalore. If you speak your names, the Time Lords will return."

"If they return, they will come in peace," the Doctor says.

"It doesn't matter. They will be met with a war that will never end. The Time War will begin anew. You both know that."

"They're asking for our help!" I say.

"And if you give the answers, war will be the consequence. I will not let that happen, at any cost. Speak your names and this world will burn."

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