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Allen was late getting home. Lavi dropped him off a block away. He had no luck getting a job yet. Walking the last block home in the near dark, he hoped Cross was out by now. Otherwise he was going to have more bruises to cover tomorrow.

As he neared the house he let out a breath that it was dark. Allen let himself in the back door. He was not hungry since Lavi had bought him a burger and fries for dinner. He walked to his room, making sure to step large on the third stride. There was a board that creaked.

Allen worked on his home work for a few hours, then went to shower. When done he laid in bed. He scrolled through social media, not that he had many friends. He did find Lavi and sent him a friend request. The pirate boy accepted almost immediately.

They texted for a bit, exchanged phone numbers. Allen had to go when his battery began to die. He plugged the phone in to charge. He was asleep a few minutes later.

It was still dark when Allen was dragged, by his hair, out of bed. Cross slammed his face into the door frame.

“Where the hell were you?” he shouted.

“I didn’t get dinner.” He kneed Allen in the ribs as he threw him down the hall.

Allen tried his best to protect his vital organs. Cross punched, slapped and kicked him until he got him in the kitchen. There he made him cook steak and potatoes for him.

Allen wasn’t allowed to go back to bed or tend his injuries until Cross finished eating. Then he had to clean the dishes and kitchen. By this point Cross had made a mess in the living room ordering Allen to clean it. It was five thirty by the time he was done. Allen checked to make sure Cross was passed out. Carefully he made himself breakfast.

As he sat to eat his cereal, he noted the five dollar bill laying on the floor. Allen quickly pocketed it. He was pretty sure he could convince Cross he had gambled it away. Allen repeated his ritual of covering up the marks on his body. He walked down the street toward school at seven.

Lavi's car was parked at the end of the short dirt track that lead back to the house Allen lived. It was where he had asked the teen to drop him off the night before. Allen could see him leaning back in the driver’s seat. His booted foot out the window. He was playing air drums. Allen smirked.

He snuck up behind the boy pretending to hold a gun to the back of his head he shouted. “On your knees dirt bag!” Lavi nearly crotched himself on the door frame trying to comply. Allen was doubled over laughing.

“You freak.” He yelled pouncing on the boy. He went to fake punch him when Allen went defensive. He instantly dropped to the ground to protect himself.  Because of this he didn’t see the flash of anger on the taller teens face.

“Relax, Allen. I was just joking.” Lavi helped Allen to his feet. He made him get in the car. The boy told bad dad jokes the rest of the way to school. He never mentioned the incident on the side of the road. But he didn’t forget about it either.

When they got to the doors, Kanda was standing guard. Allen flinched away, attempting to duck behind Lavi.

“Short stack.” The dark teen called falling into step beside him.

“Ka ka Kanda?” he managed to get out. The boy tsked.

“Look, are you still looking for a part time job?” he asked without looking at him.

“Yeah.” Allen answered cautiously. 

Kanda handed him a business card.
“Show up after school today. Dad is looking for someone to stock and stuff.” He said walking away. He looked down at the card. New Dragon Dojo was printed on it.

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