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since the slytherin common room is under the lake, there's a room where the walls and ceiling are glass and you can see into the lake like an aquarium.

when this was first done, the mermaids got really aggressive and hateful about it and started ramming the glass and ended up with injuries.

until a deaf slytherin started to teach the sign language and it took a long time but by the time they left hogwarts, they and the rest of the house were communicating with the mermaids and on good terms.

eventually, it becomes part of slytherin house culture that if you're a slytherin, you know sign language because if you don't chat with the mermaids they get grumpy.

this helps deaf/hof students and gives slytherin the best grades of all the houses on all aquatic magic studies.

the mermaids give terrible dating advice, do not trust them.

the most common being, "drown him."

queerandgrumpy, brosequartz on tumblr

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