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Charlee lay in bed and sighed as she got a text off of Chloe. She looked to her phone and sighed. She knew that she was hiding from warren that she knew where Chloe and Isla was. She had been stealing money from warren to sent it to Chloe, she knew that warren wouldn't like it if he found out. Charlee sighed to herself as she stood up and walked through the house, she stood in the kitchen and rolled her eyes as she leela sneaking Cameron out. She hated Cameron, charlee had a feeling that he had something to do with her fathers death. She knew that she couldn't prove it but she was going to find out the truth no matter what it took. She looked as Cameron left and looked to leela "are you stupid, you know what he had done and mum will go off it if she catches him here" charlee said

Leela looked to her and sighed "he's changed, he didn't have anything to do with dad okay, besides how do you think Chloe would react to you and her ex together" leela said as charlee looked to her and frowned "you know nothing, you have no idea what I am risking for Chloe" charlee said as she walked off. Charlee got to the club as she saw warren he looked to her and smirked "hey babe, how's it going with the lawyer" he asked as she looked to him and smiled "it's okay, I s just going to take some time, for him to trust me" she said as he nodded "as long as sami can track Chloe and my daughter down, I'll wait. Don't let me down" warren said as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he leant in and kissed her


Charlee walked down the alleyway with Sami. They had been out for a few drinks. She stumbled in her heels as he caught her around the waist. "Are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and nodded. Charlee looked to him and smirked for a moment as he pulled her close and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close as the kiss got more passionate. Warren walked past the alleyway and smirked. He was glad to see that his plan against sami was working. He would have Isla back before he knew it. What warren didn't know was of how charlee was using sami to get to to him, she was seeing of been used by him and wanted to get one over. Warren had no idea over how much he was really underestimating charlee, she was a lot more devious than she seemed.


Charlee sighed to herself as she drove up to the side of the road, she ran her hands through her hair and smiled as the passenger side opened as Chloe got in with Isla "thanks for coming" Chloe Said as charlee smiled "dont worry over it, there's something that you need to know, warren is after you and I'm worried. You know what he is capable of so just be careful" charlee warned her sister as she handed her some cash and smiled "I'm glad I can rely on you" Chloe said as she hugged charlee and smiled. But how long would it be before warren got suspicious?

Seducing the lawyer *Hollyoaks*Where stories live. Discover now