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Sasuke, Joey, and Killua all sat in the bubble, while Joey's arts carried them. "So, where even are we? I was kidnapped by some man and brought here." Killua questioned his fellow kidnapees. "Wait, is that a tree?" Sasuke acknowledged, in his top tier baked form. Naruto twirled his index finger around his ear, he's crazy. Naruto couldn't have been anymore wrong, Sasuke was just as baked as his smoker lungs are at the moment. Naruto doesn't remember anything from when he was high, so his transcendence is gone "Yeah... anyways, I can't answer your question at all. Can you see Joey?" Naruto quizzed. "Now that I think about it, I can't." Killua replied. The 2 boys look over, and only see a pair of jeans and sneakers walking across the ground, and shudder. The mist became so thick as the team trudged on, that even Joey's godly aura was indistinguishable. Sasuke blowing smoke into the bubble didn't help either; the rejuvenation pod simply refused to burst. At this point, he just looked like shitty Kaneki as he looks up into the day with blood streaming from both pulsing red eyes.

Killua recalls to the time he ripped out a man's heart during his hunter exam. He crushed it and sold the blood on e-bay which earned him a shit ton. Hey, know how much money those could fetch for?" Killua suddenly shot at Naruto. "Uhhhhh... Enough to make me the Hoe Cage?" Naruto tried to pull off some bullshit math, but Ichiraku didn't teach him well. "N-nevermind, don't dwell on it." Killua sighed. Naruto stared him down, got all up in face, drooled on his eyeballs. "Hey~! Joey~! Why don't you tell us where we're going!" Killua averted his eyes. "We're heading to the Hidden Mist Village to help this young lady named Mimi fu fu!" Joey shouted through the mist. Naruto jumped up a bit, and shook the bubble. "Mimi fu fu? You mean the mother of Yumiko Kazuki, leader of the Google Translate clan?" Naruto questioned in fear. Joey raised and eyebrow. "That'd be her. What's up, know something?"

Naruto's "FUCCKKKKKK..." could be heard from Japan in the real world.


"Alright chainsmokers, put on these masks." Joey instructed as he tossed some gas masks over to the trio, finally released from their water prison. Naruto caught the mask as it his chest. "Oof... what are these for?" Joey turned back, and a little bit more of his chest and face were finally visible. "You smell like shit because of your stoner friend. I don't want my identity tied to you guys." "Wow, you're putting up with an ass aren't ya?" Killua murmured to Naruto. Naruto simply nodded in return.


Team Quartet—not 7–finally reached the Village of Mist. The mist was yellow and thick, with a pungent smell. "Kakashi 2, did you take us to the Hidden Piss Village? P.U." Naruto babbled. "Don't worry about it, you'll become used to its charm soon." Joey said in an aggravating Texas accent. Sasuke pulled out a blunt, but Joey quickly acted and nonchalantly used a spell that would cripple the smell of smoke. "I said~, you'll become used to it's charm soon." Joey asserted. A normal person would have hurriedly put their blunt away, but Sasuke was still high as fuck. Joey went through the Kunai with Chain process and stored Sasuke in the rejuvenation jail. As the group of terrorists and Joey passed by a villager, said villager stopped and broke into a huge smile. "Aye, Joey!" he beamed, and Joey returned the sentiment.

"Zamasu, good to see you!" then the two shared a bro hug. "What are ya doin' here with your new crop of daft cunts?" Zamasu commented on Joey's forced entourage. "Don't worry about it. They bite, but they're leashed." Joey reported. "Hope you ain't whippin' em' up int'a copies of ye, aye?" Zamasu teased. "I told ya, don't worry about it! They're good boys. We're just here to see Mimi Fu Fu!" Joey laughed. "Well, head on down to thuh regular place 'en. That hag ain't headin' nowhere above!" Both Joey and Zamasu had a good laugh together. Naruto and Killua were on the sidelines cringing, while Sasuke's brain was on the verge of bursting from pure weed pressure. "Alright troopers, let's roll!" Joey lead down the vegan path of destiny, and those in tow groaned. When the Elite Quartet reached Granny Fu Fu's house they were greeted with the most pungent smell, leagues above piss mist. Joey knocked on the door while Naruto and Killua held their noses, but Sasuke is enticed. A frail old woman comes out the door, magnum blunt in her hand, and Naruto stays still as a statue. "Aw come on Mifu, you're still puffing on that grass? that stuff is gonna kill you young." Joey complained. "At my door for the first time in years, and the pipe is who you greet?" croaked Mimi Fu Fu. Killua shot a look towards Naruto while the 2 old friends had some banter. "Hey, wasn't she supposed to be a young lady?" Killua asked. "She had my mom at 8, and refuses to tell me anything else. She should be in her late 20s—aged ridiculously by smoking—by now." Naruto explained. Killua's eyes just kind of popped out in a self explanatory WTF. "Rapidly aged by the weed... impressive." Sasuke admired. Reminder: Sasuke is still stoned as hell. There's no speech impediment, but he sees Mimi as a huge ass spider. Just then, Mimi glanced over at the terrorist trio.

"That cock outline caused by not wearing underwear... might that be, my grandson Nardo Kazuki?" Granny Fu Fu analyzed. "What the FUCK? How?!" Naruto exclaimed. "Sorry buddy, this one's up to you." Killua whispered into Naruto's ear, before fading out using his assassination techniques. Naruto shivered in place as his drug addict grandma came over with da cane. Before Mimi could get to Naruto, Ryan suddenly drops in again. "You know what, this is too tense," Ryan declared, "We need to go back!" Everyone snapped their heads to acknowledge his random presence. Before anyone could get a single word out—even Joey!—Ryan popped Ch.1 Pills into their mouths at the speed of light. He then began to rap in Spanish, not even Sasuke could take this heat. With the ritual complete, the personalities have now been reverted to Chapter 1.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 14, 2020 ⏰

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