Meeting Dominic

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I peeked out my door and saw my Sister with the five guys she said were coming over, she said they're her friends, and I'm not surprised. She always befriended guys more than girls.

"Why is it so dark?" Jordan asked as he looked around.

"Oh, it's for my stupid Brother. He has 'Xeroderma pigmentosum' or something like that." Alexa scoffed.

"Stupid? You mean autistic?" Daniel laughed wildly, the other three guys joined, and so did Alexa. But one guy, Dominic I think his name was, stood there with a surprised expression.

"That's not really a nice thing to say, Daniel. And Alexa... Why would you call him stupid?" Dominic asked with a serious tone. His voice was deep and commanding.

"Well he is! This is stupid! A little burn won't hurt that bad!!" She said as she crossed her arms.

"What? You finna back the sucker up?!" Jordan pushed Dominic.

"Hell yeah! It's disrespectful!!" Dominic scoffed. "Whatever." He looked down the hall at my door, I booked it to my bed and covered myself with the blankets, fearing if he saw me. "Hey Alexa, where's the bathroom?"

"Down the hall, third door, dude." Alexa said and I heard her, along with four other people, sit on the couch. Footsteps approached and a knock came from the door.

"Uh, uh," I hesitated, "...come in...?" I hid my face under the covers.

"Hi, you're Ryder, right? I'm Dominic. Can I sit?" 

"Mhm..." Dominic sat at the edge of my bed.

"I'm sorry about your, uh, sister." I hid under the blankets as he spoke, I felt his gaze burn through the blankets. 

"Oh... It just surprised me really... But thank you..." I quietly said.

"So, I dare ask, why're you hiding yourself from me? I don't judge people by their looks, you know." I sighed and slowly peeked out from under the covers but I still looked at the floor.

"You will..." I looked up at Dominic and both of our eyes widened in amazement. He. Was. Beautiful. He had bright, bright blue eyes with brown hair that was fluffier than mine. He had a small smile on his face as he looked into my eyes. 

"Yeah, I am judging you. You look..." I saw a 'b' form on his lips, then he froze. "normal." 

"You look normal too, but that's not surprising..." I looked at the floor once more and got out from under the covers completely. Dominic seemed to look at me in a confused way.

"Why do you wear sweaters? Don't you get hot?"

"Well, yeah... But... I get... Very self-conscious very easily..." 

"Oh. That's surprising, I'm going to be honest." I sat next to him and pulled my sleeves down completely so they covered every inch of my hands. "Excuse me for doing this, but..." Dominic grabbed my arms and faced me, then pulled up my sleeves. "This is beautiful, Ryder. I know that's weird to say," We both started blushing a little, "but it's true." I looked away and let him hold my forearms. "I'm not letting go in till you either agree or punch me."

"Well, I don't want to hurt you... But it's not true... But..." I looked down at his almond colored hands hold my arms. He slowly slid his hands down to mine and intertwined his fingers with mine.

"You gonna punch me yet?" He laughed slightly and let go, then faced the door once more. I looked to the floor and put my hands into my pockets. He looked over to me. "Wow. You're hair looks like a fluffy slash curly black cloud."

"Uh... Is that bad...?"

"No, no! It looks nice." He laughed. 

"YO DOM!!" Daniel walked down the hallway, I quickly threw on my hood and turned the other way, completely covering myself. He threw open the door. "I thought you'd be in here with Autism."

"Autism isn't a think to laugh at, neither is what Ryder has." Dominic scoffed.

"Don't back-talk your older brother." Daniel walked over to Dominic and grabbed his bicep, then tugged him towards the door. "I don't want you hanging out with Mr. Depression." Dominic tore away.

"So what? You want me to go out there and laugh at awful jokes?!" 

"Just come on!!" Daniel insisted, grabbing at Dominic again.

"No! It's wrong!"

"Goddamn you! Father was right!" Daniel backhanded Dominic across the face and scoffed as he fell to the floor. "You're weak!" My eyes widened as I jumped off the bed and shoved Daniel out the room and into the hallway, my hoodie falling off in the process. "Holy crap! You're hideous!!" Daniel's eyes widened. 

"I don't care what you say!!" Daniel grabbed me by the arms and dragged me into the living room. I kicked and tried to break free but couldn't. 

"Hey, uh, Daniel, can you let him go?" Alexa asked.

"No! I want to see what happens!" Daniel took off my sweater. He threw me to the floor infront of the window and kicked me in the ribs, he opened the blinds.

"NO!!!" Alexa screamed but Daniel held her back. I screamed and tried to get out of the sun but each time I tried Daniel would kick me back into the sun. My body blistered and scorched as tears of pain rolled down my cheeks. Dominic ran into the room and closed the blinds, then tugged Alexa away from Daniel, and shoved him to the ground. I cried in pain as my body still ached and burned, not to mention the huge sunburns. It took him about five minutes to get here, and by that time, serious damage was done. 

"You need to leave! All of you! Alexa, help Ryder! I'll take 'em home!"Dominic ordered and Alexa walked me into the bathroom. I heard the door slam shut as everyone left.

"Oh my god, Ryder, I'm sorry! I didn't know that would happen!!" He put me on the floor and put cold, damp wash cloths on the burns. She rearranged my white t-shirt so she could reach all the burns.

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