"I'm sorry, I must be hearing things..." I reply slowly. "Anyway, you go do what Bradley's do best, and I will be here looking."

            "Okay, sir, will do." Bradley casts me a backward glance, and under his breath I swear I hear him mutter "weirdo," but I can't be sure. Either way, I turn my attention back to the rack and continue looking. Finally, I find a decent looking button up shirt that I like and I decide I am going to try it on but I want to try to find more, so I keep looking.

            I find a few more shirts that I like on this rack before moving on to another one. This one has a few more shirts, these ones being graphic tees, and as I look through them I hear Bradley's now more than familiar footsteps behind me, yet again. I sigh quietly to myself, just wishing that this dude would leave me the hell alone. It's starting to get to the point where I'd rather just report back to Order and Chaos. Without turning to look at him I speak.

            "Hello again, Bradley."

From behind me comes nothing but silence, and for a moment I think that I was wrong about someone being behind me. I stand and turn, and am immediately creeped out by Bradley's wide-toothed grin and slightly cocked head, making him look insane. When he does finally speak, his voice is surprising normal for the face he's making.

            "Hello again, sir. I am sorry to be bugging you as much as I am, but I was wondering if-"

            "No, Bradley- can I call you Brad?" He nods after I ask. "Brad, I am grateful for your offer of help, I really am. But as you can see, I have this pretty much handled. Again, thanks, but no thanks."

            Brad's smile stays, but he cocks his head to the other side before he replies. "Got it sir, I'll be around."

            I sigh again once Brad is gone, shaking off the creeps he gave me with that weird ass smile. I feel like something is watching me, but when I look around, I see Brad with another customer, meaning it couldn't be him. I'm just glad that weird smile is gone from his face, honestly. Still, I can't help but feel as though I'm being viewed by something invisible, but I continue to try to ignore the growing sense while looking through the clothing rack.

            I find two more graphic tees and one more button-up, and I decide it's time to try them on. Looking around the store, I see the dressing rooms are toward the back, and so I head in that direction. Unease continues to settle over me as I get closer to the room, and I get the chills when I look around and I see Brad looking at me. That weird smile is plastered on his face again, head cocked more to the side than before, and his eyes as wide as could be. I think I even see him twitch a few times. I don't know what's going on, but I need to get out of here as soon as possible.

            Reaching the dressing room, I ask the clerk to let me into one to try the shirts on. The woman is nice, an older lady, maybe in her late 50s to mid-60s with a full head of white hair and a grandmotherly smile that managed to be somewhat calming to my impending dread.

            "Sure thing, honey!" She says sweetly, and I know her smile is genuine. "How many shirts are you bringing in? I really don't mind, but it's policy. We have to log it for inventory to be sure nothing that goes outta here leaves without being paid for."

            "I have four, ma'am," I smile back at her, just as genuinely. "Two long sleeve button-ups and two graphic tees, if that matters."

            "It doesn't, but I thank you anyway, young man. My name is Doris, and if you remember anything off of the rack that you would like to try on while you're in there let me know and I will scurry on over there and get it for you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2020 ⏰

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