Marcel snaps Kol's neck and tosses him away. "Kol." Whispers in shock. Elijah starts a vicious fight by trying to punch Marcel with vamp-speed, Marcel appears to side step the attack. Klaus jumps into the fight with a right hook, only for Macel to duck & grab his hand. Marcel then turns to face Elijah in time to kick him away before he can land a punch.

Angel then jumps in allowing Marcel to be distracted with her as they trade blows. She sends a few hits to the body and face she then gets kicked in her leg causing it to break. The momentary distraction allows Klaus to land a couple of blows. Marcel answers back with a powerful punch, that sends The original hybrid flying into the wall behind him.

Elijah and Angel take over trading blows against Marcel. Marcel breaks Angel's arm and throws her away the crowd cheers. Elijah goes for a punch but Marcel catches it breaks his wrist causing Elijah to fall to his knees and then Marcel bites Elijah's wrist. Elijah screams in pain and Angel looks on as he's thrown past her. The crowd cheers. Angel vamp speed and begins to attack and as she goes to punch him he grabs her wrist and bites into her.

She screams In pain and the crowd cheers. She shifts and delivers a kick to his stomach and fights on not feeling the affect. She goes to punch with her left hand and he stops and bite into that she screams and falls. Klaus jumps in and does what he can Marcel looks as if he's ready to bite Klaus and Angel vamp speeds up and round house kicks Marcel in the face he stumbles and falls. The crowd boos Angel vamp speed on top of him and shifts her hand into a claw.

She gets ready to rip his heart out but he's quick to flip their positions and bites into the left side of her neck. She cries out as she tries to push him off. She looks to still have fight in her as she pushes him off. Before she can fight back he takes the advantage and bites into the right side of her neck. Elijah weakened looks on in fear as does Klaus who's angry as she cries out. She feels the affect as she's thrown in the air and hears the crowd cheers in her downfall.

As Klaus hybrid face appears, when he rises to his feet. Marcel invites klaus with a gesture for Klaus to bring it. Klaus charges at Marcel with Vamp-speed. Suddenly Rebekah shows up and interferes. "STOP!" She yells at the two. Marcel is surprised to see her. "Rebekah." He says.

Rebekah continues to look at Klaus. "Hayley has Hope and Freya. Take our brothers and Angel and go now." She tells him. She then looks at Marcel. "Marcel will not hurt me." She says. "Not, if he knows what's good for him." She says before looking at Klaus.

Klaus vamp speeds over to Angel and helps her up. She vamp speeds and gets Kol and Klaus gets Elijah and then they vamp speed away. Rebekah inspects her wrist with the cursed skull branded on it, she continues to Marcel.

"I've only got a short while before I go mad. So your explanation better be quick and it better be good." She tells him.


Later at Lucien's penthouse Klaus yells once he's through the elevator.

"Freya!" He yells for his sister as they all bust through the door. Hayley and Freya leave Lucien's room to see Kol, Elijah, and Angel severely wounded.

Hayley walks over to Angel and Elijah. "Elijah!" She says in shock and then she looks at Angel who's leaning against the table next to Elijah in pain. "Angel... oh my god!" She stares at them and Angel smiles weakly. "I'm fine! I promise!" She says and Hayley knows it's an obvious lie. She looks to Elijah. "Don't. We deal with it later." He tells her.

Kol slumps on the sofa and gasps. "I am going to die." Kol says out loud. Hope starts crying. "You're not going to die." Klaus tells him. Kol chuckles. "Now that sounds familiar. Isn't that what you said to Finn and Cami?" He tells Klaus and Klaus sighs. "Look, Lucien engineered his venom from the seven werewolf packs, so maybe, that's the key to a cure." Klaus says to Freya who's tending to Kol.

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