Jack Frost (I'm going to be talking in 3rd person sense)

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You don't want me. You're all hard work and deadlines! I'm... snowballs and fun times.

—Jack, to the other Guardians

Jackson Overland Frost, better known as Jack Frost, is the main protagonist in Rise of the Guardians and an immortal supernatural being much like the Guardians. Unlike the others, however, he is a loner, the classic rebel without a cause, sarcastic and mischievous. As the manifestation of winter, Jack Frost is capable of manipulating ice and snow. He is the spirit of mischief and chaos personified, but when he discovers the purpose behind his powers, he will become a true Guardian, representing "Fun."

Physical Appearance

Before Jack became immortal, he had brown hair, brown eyes, and fair skin. His clothing consisted of a white v-neck undershirt with a brown vest and brown trousers. He also wore a brown poncho to covered himself from the cold. He was seen with ice skates but was never seen wearing them.

Jack currently has white hair, striking blue eyes, and pale skin. He has a tall stature, albeit slim. His clothing is a blue hooded sweater, frost collecting around the ring of the collar, and trousers bound with lighter material starting from the knee down to the rather tattered and frayed bottom, and is barefoot throughout the movie.

He carries around a magical staff with a G-shaped arch, resembling a shepherd's crook. It is Jack's gateway to help him unleash his powers of conjuring snow, ice, and frost. Before Jack's current attire, he was seen wearing a brown cloak, a white woolen shirt, and a small brown open vest. He wore the same pants as seen in the present. Jack is currently over 300 years old though with an appearance of a teenager.


Jack Frost is a mischievous teenage hellion who has no interest in being bound by rules or obligations, and rather instead favors spreading his winter magic for the sake of the personal amusement of himself and children. Despite these traits, Jack is also gentle and generous.

The source of Jack's anti-social behavior towards the Guardians and refusal to adhere to rules was mostly because of his frustration with the Man in the Moon never answering his questions about who he was or why he was created, and also because no human, child or adult, was able to see him for centuries for no one had believed in him. But as Jack spends time in the Guardians' company, each individual would have an effect on him that would change him from a mischief-making winter spirit to a full-fledged Guardian in his own right, as well a hero.

It was his refusal to give up in the face of overwhelming odds that enabled him to help one child, Jamie Bennett, who keeps his beliefs in all of the Guardians as well as finally being able to see and believe in Jack Frost. Jack's desire to protect Jamie, as he once did his sister, helped him realize his center; Fun. 

Jack proudly accepted the duties and responsibilities as the Guardian of Fun. His purpose, is to spread the feelings of fun, joy, and happiness to bolster the faith children have in the Guardians.

Even before he officially became a Guardian, Jack displayed some pride in what he does, particularly the Snow Days he makes for children to have fun.

Rise of the Guardians

Before Jack Frost became an immortal being who possessed the power over ice and snow, Jack was once a teenage human boy who had a family of his own 300 years before the current timeline. Like his current form, Jack was mischievous, liked to have fun and play tricks on his friends and his younger sister. When Jack and his sister got themselves in trouble while they were ice skating on top of a frozen pond that was cracking, Jack made up a game of Hopscotch, and using his staff, Jack saved his sister from the cracking ice, at the cost of his own life. The Man in the Moon, seeing Jack's selfless act of heroism and sacrifice, shines his light and transforms Jack into a Winter Spirit, of which Jack rises up from the frozen pond and he is reborn as Jack Frost. When Jack Frost was reborn he lost all memory of his previous life and immediately began his adventures of fun and mischief.The story continues with Jack causing mischief in St. Petersburg, Russia. Noticing it was a fun day, he calls the wind to take him back home, to Burgess. As he arrives at Burgess, he decides to give it a snow day. While Jack is having fun, he accidentally knocks a book out of the hands of a child named Jamie with his wind. Jack finds the book interesting and asks Jamie about it, but Jack knows that he can't be seen or heard by Jamie. Just then Jamie's friends,Caleb and Claude, rushed to Jamie and tells him about them having a snow day and Jamie asked them if they were going egg hunting on Sunday. Jack followed Jamie to his house listening to their conversation. When the boys bring the Easter Bunny in to the conversation Jack joined, saying that Bunnymund is real annoying and full of himself. When Jamie's mom comes out of the house to give Jamie his winter hat; she brings "Jack Frost" to the conversation by saying: "Careful! You don't want Jack Frost nipping at your nose!
Jamie: "Who's Jack Frost?"
Jamie's Mom: "No one honey, it's just a expression".

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