"It's You?"

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I half expected a cloud of dark smoke, some portal to Hell, anything really. But the only thing that happened was Alastor beamed at me like he had just heard the punch line of some hilarious joke. The awkward silence seemed to stretch between us for an obscenely long time before I said anything. 

Finally tired of the silence, I said, "So when...do I get to meet my new boyfriend?" 

Alastor's grin stretched even wider in response, making me groan with exasperation, "Oh fuck me, it's you? You're the demon I'm going to date?"

So much for some otherworldly gorgeous model. 

"Why, my dear, you make that sound like a bad thing," Alastor said, looking more amused by the moment. Was this really all that entertaining to him?

Sighing, I got up and began to rummage through my dresser drawers for some sweatpants to put on. I just wanted to get comfortable and binge-watch Invader Zim while eating ice cream right out of the container. This night had gone so bad, I was ready to make a deal with the devil and now I was stuck with a demon who thought my life was a joke. 

Alastor chuckled to himself as he followed me out of the room, "Oh this is going to be fun."

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