Feeling someone grab her by the arm, Nora jumped in fright. She gasped, unable to defend herself as the person grabbed her and lightly pushed her against the wall of another nearby hallway.

She was about to scream, only to recognize the hushed voice that was shushing her to belong to Edward.

"Relax, my lady. It's me," He assured her, causing Nora's eyes widened when she found herself pressed against the wall with Edward standing in front of her.

He held one of her hands in his own while the other was rested at the crook of her neck.

"Your Grace," She greeted him uneasily, not knowing what else to say.

All she could picture in her mind was what happened just two days before. She had been avoiding him since, feeling as though she had been stupid for being so willing to give herself to him in that way. He hadn't succeeded in taking her maidenhead, but they both knew if Lord Warwick hadn't interrupted them, Edward would have and Nora would have surely allowed him to.

She stared at him intently, studying his features. She tilted her head slightly, wondering if he was going to kiss her. In truth, she wanted him to, but she wasn't going to admit that to him.

She wasn't going to admit she could barely sleep the night after their first kiss because all she could think about was the lingering thought of feeling his lips against hers once more.

As if he had read her thoughts, Edward leaned forward, smashing his lips against hers. His hands raked up and down her body, just before they returned to their previous spots.

The grip his left hand had on her hip became tighter, as did the grip he had on the side of her neck.

He pressed one last kiss to her lips before trailing kisses along her jawline. "I'm mad for you, Lady Nora," He whispered into her ear seductively, "I've been thinking about you constantly these past two days. Warwick and George talked my ear off during the Privy Council meeting this morning, yet all I seemed to be thinking of was the need to be in your presence once more."

"Is that so?" She sarcastically asked, a smile forming on her lips.

He paused, pulling away from kissing her neck so that he could look her in the eyes. "It is." He confirmed, causing them both to quietly laugh.

After a moment, the laughter died down and Edward's smile disappeared. Nora watched as his expression instantly became consumed with desperation. "You must be my mistress, Nora."

"Your Grace..." She trailed off uneasily, still calling him by his title instead of 'Edward'.

"I beg you. Look favorable on the proposal," He practically pleaded, causing Nora to give him an odd look.

Edward did want to know her better before going any further with her. However, he also knew he'd never have the time to get to know her if she was married off by Lord Warwick. He would never be able to convince his advisors not to marry the girl off and they'd grow suspicious if he refused to agree to it. But he also knew if she wasn't a maid, she'd be able to stay with him.

It was selfish, but he also knew that despite not knowing Nora well, he knew she'd never want to marry someone like Arthur Neville.

Nora deserved someone who would treat her kindly and fair, not someone who would only use her as a means to produce heirs. She needed someone to treat her like the queen she was truly was and Edward wanted to do exactly that, even if he couldn't make her queen of England.

"Why?" She asked, wondering why he wanted her to become his mistress so badly.

"Because if you give me your heart, Lady Nora, I swear to you that I will take care of it. And I shall give you mine as well," Edward responded and she would have thought he was lying if she hadn't seen the genuine look on his face.

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